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Kate Alcott, photo by Marianna Koval |
Kate Alcott is the author of the new novel The Hollywood Daughter. She also has written A Touch of Stardust, The Daring Ladies of Lowell, and The Dressmaker. Kate Alcott is the pseudonym for the journalist Patricia O'Brien. She is based in Washington, D.C.
Your most recent previous novel also focused on Hollywood. How did you come up
with the idea for The Hollywood Daughter and for your main character, Jessica?
I think the genesis of the story took place when I was a kid growing up in Los
Angeles. I was riding bikes with a friend and she said, Have you heard Ingrid
Bergman ran off with an Italian film director? I could hardly believe it!
was a Catholic schoolgirl and it was a time when censorship was very strong. I
revered Ingrid Bergman myself. I couldn’t believe she would do this kind of
thing. I believed she was who she played.
of her portrayal of a nun, and of Joan of Arc, she was adopted by Catholics.
She made Catholic girls feel closer to the mainstream of American life. [Many]
Catholics were shocked at the news.
this stayed in my head. I did a prior book on Hollywood—did I want to do
another? This wasn’t a Hollywood book in one sense—it was an intriguing time in
Hollywood history. The industry was shaking with the fear of finding communists
in their midst, the fear of censorship.
began mulling it over—what would it be like to grow up with the glamor and the
fear? How’s your world going to be affected by…censorship?
examples are so ridiculous—[in one movie] a dog wetting the floor had to be
taken out. It was a time when married couples had to be chaste in separate
beds. A star couldn’t be the mistress of some man. You couldn’t use the word
bordello. My favorite is the three-second kiss…
began thinking, and developed Jessica Malloy in my imagination, and I thought,
what is her life like? She’s the daughter of an unlikely couple—a devout
Catholic mother with secrets, and a worldly father who’s a top-ranked publicist
building Ingrid Bergman’s career.
also dreams of Ingrid as a childhood heroine, of being like her. It makes her
mother nervous…she puts her in Catholic school to fight against the [Hollywood]
is drawn more to her father…when she sees he’s arranged for The Bells of St.
Mary’s [to be filmed] at her school, she’s euphoric. Ingrid Bergman is in her
world. When the scandal exploded over Bergman, it explodes over the Malloy
family. It ends any version of childhood for Jessica.
think that memory, that era, drew me. I didn’t think much was written about the
impact of censorship; there’s been a lot on the Red Scare.
What kind of research did you do on Ingrid Bergman, and how did you balance the
real figure with the character in your book?
I read all the old movie magazines, I buried myself in books, anything I could
read about Ingrid. I had to make her mine.
of my journalism background, I have to have rules. A lot of what she’s quoted
as saying, she said in various interviews. It’s reading as much as I could,
watching the Academy Awards. When she came back [to the United States] the
emotion was able to come through. Reading movie magazines took me back into
that world…
Can you say more about the role of Catholicism in the novel?
Part of it was, Jessica was older than I was, but to be Catholic growing up in
that world—I haven’t read much about it. It would give me an avenue to explore
the power of censorship if it was a Catholic family.
Was the character of Jessica's father based on a real publicist for Ingrid
He’s a completely fictional character, although there was a publicist who did
stuff for Ingrid Bergman, but I never researched him. I don’t know much about
him. Someone did get the timing right for the release of Casablanca [as
Jessica’s father did in the book]!
Did the publicist really go to Italy to track down Ingrid Bergman?
That’s fictional…When you’re doing historical fiction, you get layers, the base
of reality. I really felt for Ingrid Bergman…In the era we’re in now, how could
anybody who’s young believe [society] could be so punitive?
Do you think you’ll write another Hollywood novel next, or something else?
A: I’m going to go in a different direction this time, and give Hollywood a rest. My husband’s father, Herman Mankiewicz, won an Oscar for writing Citizen Kane; the family is in the movie business. It wove through 26 years of our marriage, and has always intrigued me. These are real people—they’re often turned into objects, and they pay a high price for being famous.
Can you say anything more about the next novel?
Not yet!
Anything else we should know about The Hollywood Daughter?
It would be wonderful if more people appreciated old movies—you learn a lot!
I’m hooked on Turner Classic Movies—my stepson is a host. Old films never seem
old to me. I like the cinematic history elements.
think it shows what puts real life and glamorous fake life together. That’s
what interests me. Cary Grant said he wished he could be Cary Grant—it’s that
intriguing world where you’re both real and not, and how do you feel about it?
Ingrid Bergman was determined to feel true to who she was.
--Interview with Deborah Kalb. For a previous Q&A with Kate Alcott, please click here. She will be appearing at the Bethesda Literary Festival on April 21, 2017.
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