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Deborah Noyes, photo by Lisa Goodfellow Bowe |
Deborah Noyes's books include Ten Days a Madwoman, a biography of journalist Nellie Bly for older kids, and the forthcoming The Magician and the Spirits, which focuses on Harry Houdini. She is also an editor and photographer, and her work has appeared in a variety of publications, including Threepenny Review and The Boston Sunday Globe. She lives in Western Massachusetts.
Q: Why did you decide to focus on Nellie Bly in your book Ten
Days a Madwoman, and what did you learn about her that especially surprised
A: I first encountered Bly in my friend Matt Phelan's
graphic novel Around the World, a lively chronicle of three epic
Already a star reporter for Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World,
Bly beat the record of Jules Verne’s 1873 novel Around the World in Eighty Days
and became, for a time, the most famous woman on the globe she’d just
girdled. And she was only 24.
But in the end it was the lesser-known story of her hungry
beginnings that drew me — and her knack for turning disadvantage to her
From her beginnings in rural Pennsylvania, Bly’s deck
was stacked against her: her father died when she was 6, without a will,
leaving the family financially and emotionally unstable; her desperate mother
remarried to an abusive drunk, a disaster ending in a rare (at the time)
divorce; one of her first articles challenged unfair marriage laws.
She got into journalism in the first place because her
family ran out of money to keep her in boarding school (she was training to be
a teacher).
An editorial letter responding to a Pittsburgh Dispatch
column urging women to stay home and out of the workplace won Bly her first big
break. Within months — as a “staff reporter” stuck writing society and fashion
stories — she set her sights on New York.
When no Manhattan paper would hire her, the penniless
reporter devised a way to gain audience with the men holding her future in
their ink-stained hands. The next time Bly showed up on Park Row, it wasn’t as
a job candidate but as a freelance correspondent for her old Pittsburgh paper.
Her question for the newspaper “Gods of Gotham”: Could a woman make it as a
writer in New York? And the rest is history.
Q: In the author's note, you ask, "What makes a good
reporter?" How would you answer that in connection with Bly?
A: Stubborn persistence got Bly in the door of the World, but
daring kept her there. Her first official assignment was to pose as a patient
in a notorious insane asylum. “I had some faith in my own ability as an
actress,” she wrote later. “Could I pass a week in the insane ward at
Blackwell’s Island? I said I could and I would. And I did.”
She not only got herself committed, convincing police and
medical staff that she was insane — she endured 10 days of rancid food,
ice-cold baths, enforced isolation, and other intolerable conditions to get her
“item.” Her expose shocked the nation and led to reforms.
Covert muckraking doesn’t often fly today, ethically,
but to my mind a good reporter is one who locates the truth and presents it,
responsibly, to the public. There’s a time for access journalism, a time for
investigative journalism, a time for undercover journalism (Brooke Kroeger has
called the latter the journalism “of last resort.”) Maybe a good journalist is
one who knows what time it is?
Q: You have another new book coming out later this year
about the magician Harry Houdini, focusing mostly on his efforts to communicate
with the dead. Why did you choose that aspect of his life to explore?
A: There’s no shortage of Houdini biographies out there, but
his “debunking” period — a crusade to expose fake mediums and other spirit
fraud, which spanned 30 years — gets short shrift. Some people don’t even
realize he did this, much less that it became an extension of his career as a
magician and escape artist, and an obsessive aspect of his identity.
I’ve long been fascinated with Spiritualism and its shadings
(my adult historical novel, Captivity, centers around the Fox Sisters, two
founders of the movement), so the chance to pair that with magic and magicians—this
magician, the “mystifier of mystifiers,” no less — was irresistible. Throw in a
little spirit photography, and you have a project made in my own personal
Q: You've written fiction and nonfiction for different age
groups. Is your writing process similar, or does it differ depending on the
type of book you're working on?
A: The writing process is the same (research/draft, revise,
research, revise, research, revise...) though nonfiction calls for more digging
up front. It's the editing and production process that varies.
Picture books are so collaborative. There are more stages,
more creators involved (author, editor, illustrator, designer). They're less
time-consuming but harder -- for me -- to write because you have to distill.
You have to load and measure every word and then leave out 75 percent of what
you put in and trust someone else to make up the difference with pictures. It's
humbling and very satisfying.
Q: What are you working on now?
A: Two projects, one fiction and very overdue, so I won’t
blather for fear of jinxing it. The other is another narrative nonfiction book,
this time about the race between two brilliant and competitive scientists —
rival pioneers in the fledgling field of paleontology — to uncover more and
bigger fossils in the newly opened Wild West. At the moment it’s called Hatsful
of Bones.
Q: Anything else we should know?
A: I prefer to maintain an air of mystery (smile).
--Interview with Deborah Kalb
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