Lori Morrison is the author of the new book The Shaman's Guide to Power Animals. An inspirationalist and mystic, she lives in Sedona, Arizona.
Q: How did you first get interested in the idea of power
animals, and why did you decide to write this book?
A: In the middle of a volcanic lake in El Salvador at my
home I was hit by light and unconscious for three hours. When I woke, I found
that I had been catapulted out of our existing third dimensional perception
into a fourth dimensional perception of the world around me. This was the
beginning of a shamanic initiation that would last for and intense two years.
With my perception cracked open I was able to see and hear
Mayan ancestral spirits and the spirits of four jaguars. For a left-brained
entrepreneur who had never believed in these possibilities I was astounded when
this occurred as I had no template of understanding. How could I hear these
animal spirits? Why had they come into my life? There were so many questions
and no answers.
As time went by, other spirit animals would come into my
life, all of them teachers with wisdom far beyond the human capacity of
knowing. I researched high and low to understand what happened to me and found
that for more than 40,000 years shamans around the world have been practicing
their craft of healing and divination with Power Animals.
Shamans connect and merge with Power Animals as partners in
accomplishing mystical tasks. Animal spirits are vital “medicine helpers” for
healing and protection of the shaman as they travel through the
interdimensional world. This experience and all the research that I had done
was a natural launching pad to write this most extensive book.
Q: For those who may not know, what exactly is a power
animal, and what role do they play in people's lives?
A: Power animals can be any living creature. From mammals to
reptiles, insects and sea creatures, they all bring much needed “power” into our
lives. To partner with them and embody their energy we must first be aware of
them, and second form a relationship with them.
You can call in any Power Animal spirit to support you in
your life journey, similar to calling in your guardian angel. You may call in
the spirit of mouse to find a house, the spirit of peacock to find a partner or
the spirit of owl for advanced wisdom. Every Power Animal spirit can offer you
its unique powers and support.
Power Animals are also messengers from the spirit world. When
an animal appears it comes with a purpose and a message. For example, if a
cricket is in your house, it is a symbol of prosperity and a message that you
need to express your feelings more, work with sound for healing and that you
may be too sensitive. All are important awarenesses from the animal spirit
Q: How did you research this book, and did you learn
anything that especially surprised you?
A: I wanted to know what the animals meant to ancient
cultures and how we could use this wisdom in modern society. I found it
fascinating that when archaeologists excavated brick tombs of ancient Egypt,
they found donkey bodies buried with high-ranking individuals. This sparked my
curiosity into the symbolism of animals and their importance to humans.
I found a lot of information in art history as so many
animals have been depicted in art from every culture. From the Hopi Indians to
the Mayan and their meanings I often found similar references by cultures that
existed thousands of miles apart.
Another surprise was the age of existence of animals on the
planet. Most creatures have an ancestry of millions of years versus human
beings which are pretty new to the planet. The intergenerational knowledge of
the world is much more extensive in the animal kingdom.
Q: What do you hope people take away from the book?
A: That our lack of interaction with the animal kingdom
keeps us from seeing our existence on the planet as a whole. We have lost our
connection to the possibility of Power Animal spirit companions. Very rarely do
we see animals in the wild like our ancestors did.
Power Animals are guides to a higher level of consciousness
from which we can learn more about ourselves and the world as our souls evolve.
We often wrongly see animals as lesser species than our own as if we are the
masters of them rather than their sisters and brothers.
In ancient times, the stories around the sacred fire pit
were filled with lessons of animals: how they managed, how they survived, how
their harmonic balance with nature enabled them to thrive. Indigenous peoples
worldwide revered these lessons, which became the values of their tribes and
the context in which they saw their lives and their culture, and the world.
Q: What are you working on now?
A: I am immersed in the potential of vibrational medicine
(broadcasting remedies and homeopathic and naturopathic solutions) to people
through scalar energy. As Einstein said, “future medicine will be the medicine
of frequencies,” and by combining shamanic practices with cutting edge
technology, this is an exciting new direction that everyday I am immersed in
the potential for miracles.
I am also bringing more messages from the animals and
interpreting their messages through art by creating oracle cards. These can
soon be used as a companion item with the The Shaman’s Guide to Power Animals
Q: Anything else we should know?
A: We are never alone when we engage power animals into our
lives. A shaman’s ears are open to the song of the Universe. The shaman knows
that the greatest wisdom for humanity comes from the natural world.
Through their prophetic messages, Power Animals from the
mystical world can bring you profound knowledge and expand your vision. They
will make you ready to manifest the mystery of your soul. By opening your heart
to possibility, you can journey with Power Animals to find healing for yourself
and others.
--Interview with Deborah Kalb
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