Miriam Halahmy is the author of Saving Hanno: The Story of a Refugee Dog, a new middle grade novel for kids. It takes place during World War II. Halahmy's other books include The Emergency Zoo and Hidden. She lives in England.
Q: How did you come up with the idea for
Saving Hanno, and for your character Rudi?
A: Rudi and his dog, Hanno, first appeared
in my MG novel The Emergency Zoo (Alma Books, 2016). The Emergency Zoo is
based on the largely unknown, true story of the cull of 750,000 pets in the UK
at the outbreak of World War II. People didn’t feel they could look after pets
during the war. My book imagines that a group of children hide their pets in a
den in the woods to save them.
Nine-year-old Rudi, who is Jewish, arrives
in the UK from Germany in early 1939 and lives with foster parents. They have
also given his dog Hanno a home. However, as war looms, the foster parents
decide to put the dog down. So Rudi takes Hanno to the Emergency Zoo to save
his life.
After The Emergency Zoo was published in
the UK, I was approached by PJ Our Way, which gifts books on
Jewish themes to Jewish children. They have distributed six million books
worldwide. They asked me if I would write Rudi’s story from the Zoo. I thought
this was a great idea and so Saving Hanno was born.
Saving Hanno opens just after
Kristallnacht in November 1939 when terrible pogroms were orchestrated by the
Nazis against the Jewish community all over Germany. A hundred Jews were
killed, synagogues burned down and Jewish shops smashed.
Kristallnacht is a turning point for Rudi
and his family. Rudi has to make a huge sacrifice to save Hanno’s life. He will
save Hanno three times in the book. Rudi’s devotion to his dog helps him to
cope with arriving in England as a refugee child and at times he has to be
enormously brave, way beyond his years. I think that children will find this
very inspiring in the book.
Q: What kind of research did you do to
write the novel, and did you learn anything especially surprising?
A: When I was researching for The
Emergency Zoo I came across a most surprising piece of information. There was a
Kindertransport dog! The Kindertransport refers to the rescue of 10,000 German,
Austrian and Czechoslovakian Jewish children from the Nazis on trains arranged
by the UK. The trains ran from November 1938 until September 1939, bringing the
children to England.
I read an article about two German Jewish
children who had a place on the Kindertransport but couldn’t bring their dog.
They wrote to an animal charity in England and asked if they would help. The
charity agreed and the dog was saved. This was the start of Rudi and Hanno’s
story which develops in Saving Hanno.
I love doing research and read a great
deal about both children and pets in World War II. Although the plan was to evacuate the children
and put the pets down, many of the stories I read showed how brave both children
and animals were in the war, despite horrendous air raids and terrifying
conditions. I wanted to show something of this in my books set at this time. I
felt that it would be inspiring for my readers and show a different side of World
War II.
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Halahmy and Reich |
My research took me to newspaper articles
and libraries, as well as to surviving members of the Kindertransport. When I
read out the opening chapters of Saving Hanno to this amazing group of people,
the chair of their organisation, Sir Eric Reich, commented, “That’s exactly
what happened to us!”
Writing Saving Hanno gave me the
opportunity to explore Rudi’s back story in 1930s Germany under Hitler and the
Nazis. I wanted to show the experiences of a Jewish family in those dark days
and the difficult decision to send Rudi and his older sister on the train to
The book is written from Rudi’s point of
view and contrasts his life in Germany with his new life in England as a Jewish
refugee child, coping with a new language, a new school, different food and
strange customs. Rudi’s parents cheer him up about leaving home by telling him
he will be a pioneer, going first to pave the way for when they arrive. Rudi
decides to keep notes of everything to help his parents when they arrive in
Here is an example of Rudi’s notes:-
A cup of tea is a nice cuppa
Dinner is called tea
Never eat in the street. It’s rude.
A bob is a shilling which is twelve whole
pennies. You can buy lots of candy with a shilling.
But I also needed specific information
about the life of a young boy in Germany in 1939, such as what they would eat
for breakfast. So I asked my German friend, Martina, and she asked her father
for some of the lovely details I have put in the book. For example, Rudi ate
dark rye bread in Germany and had never seen white bread before. I put German
words in the book, thinking of Martina’s children, Johannes and Julius. Their
father, Chad, is American so they are fluent in both German and English.
Q: What do you hope kids take away from
the story?
A: There are several areas that I think
will interest children in Saving Hanno. This book shows the experience of a
refugee child which is as current today as it was for Rudi in 1939; it shows
the specific experience of the Kindertransport and how the British saved 10,000
Jewish children from almost certain death in the Holocaust; it shows how
children responded to the threat of war; it shows the plight of animals in war
and it shows how the approaching war affected the UK, with the blackout, gas
masks, air raid shelters and the evacuation of children.
My book also highlights the concept of
good Germans in World War II; Germans, both Jewish and non-Jewish, who were not
Nazis and didn’t follow Hitler. Rudi doesn’t reject his German heritage. But he
shows that he doesn’t agree with the war or with the Nazis. I hope that this
will stimulate interest in this aspect of World War II.
Q: You've written for different age
groups--do you have a preference?
A: No, I don’t think so. Basically I write
novels and I know from reviews and comments, that all my books are enjoyed by
children and adults alike. I believe that if you have written a strong story
with a good plot and great characters, then any reader can enjoy the book. Once
I have the idea for a book I immerse myself in research and writing and then my
audience becomes anyone who is inspired to read my work.
Q: What are you working on now?
A: I have now written three books on the
theme of animals, children, and World War II. The third book, Rip to the Rescue,
will be published by Holiday House in 2020. Writing three historical novels has
given me a taste for this wonderful genre. History has always been a passion of
mine. So I am currently writing a novel set in the first half of the 19th
century in the North of England.
I received an Arts Council Grant for the
research and writing of this book which was a wonderful affirmation of my work.
I hope to finish the book by summer 2019.
Q: Anything else we should know?
A: I think that World War II is of great
interest to young people. It was such a long and complex war and affected all
the countries of the world. A great deal has been written about it. Finding
original stories about pets in World War II has been a treasure house for me,
particularly as I have always loved animals.
The writing of Saving Hanno has allowed me
to explore the life of a Jewish child in this era from an original perspective
– the Kindertransport dog. As I am also Jewish, the Jewish focus of the book
was of particular significance to me. I hope that Saving Hanno can add a new
chapter in the breadth of historical fiction about this era and about the
--Interview with Deborah Kalb. Here's a previous Q&A with Miriam Halahmy.
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