Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Q&A with Melody Howard Ritt



Melody Howard Ritt is the author of the new children's picture book Charley and Seymour's Hanukkah Miracle. She lives in Massachusetts.


Q: What inspired you to write Charley and Seymour’s Hanukkah Miracle?


A: I have dreamed of being a writer for as long as I can remember. I have always loved losing myself in stories and learning about different places and experiences from books.


As a child, I was so enamored with reading, I set out to read every book in the Brooklyn Public Library. It wasn’t until I realized that the library added to its collection faster than I could consume it that I understood I faced an impossible task.


After earning a degree in journalism and working as a writer and editor for my whole career, I reached a point where it was time to consider my next steps. That was when I decided to tackle my lifelong dream of writing a book. Charley and Seymour’s Hanukkah Miracle was the result.


Q: What do you think Nia Gould’s illustrations add to the story?


A: Before Nia was chosen by Kar-Ben Publishing to work on my book, I wondered whether an illustrator would be able to capture my characters’ sweet personalities and special friendship.


Since the story takes place during the winter holiday of Hanukkah, it was also important that the images show the symbols, customs and narrative associated with the Festival of Lights.


Nia’s illustrations exceeded my hopes. Whether she is showing Charley and Seymour gathering acorns together, planning their Hanukkah celebration, or responding to the challenge of lighting their menorah, Nia depicts their personalities, emotions, and interactions with vibrant colors and easy to understand illustrations.


I am personally delighted with Nia’s drawings and hope they enrich every reader’s enjoyment and understanding of Charley and Seymour’s story.

Q: How would you describe the dynamic between Charley and Seymour?


A: When I was writing the book, I imagined Seymour and Charley being like brothers and I tried to make their relationship seem like the kind a child might want to have with a beloved sibling.


Seymour and Charley care deeply about each other. They share similar interests. They are respectful of each other’s feelings. They work together to solve their problem.  


Kindness, caring, respect, and teamwork are the qualities many of us strive for in our own relationships. I hope my characters provide a model for children to emulate as they learn to interact with others.


Q: What do you hope kids take away from the book?


A: I hope children who read Charley and Seymour’s Hanukkah Miracle are inspired by Charley and Seymour’s friendship and learn to treat their own friends in a similar fashion. I believe the world would be a better place if everyone realized at an early age the importance of treating others with care, kindness, and respect.


I also hope my book gives children a deeper understanding of the Hanukkah story and the miracle of the Hanukkah lights. I hope Charley and Seymour’s Hanukkah Miracle brings light into a world that sometimes feels overwhelmed by darkness.


Q: What are you working on now?


A: I am thinking about Charley and Seymour’s future and how they can continue teaching children and grownups about Judaism and the world in which we live.


At the same time, I am working on bringing my first book, Charley and Seymour’s Hanukkah Miracle, to a wide audience through appearances at bookstores, JCCs, preschools, and other places where children and adults gather.


I would love to reach a time where the names Charley Chipmunk and Seymour Squirrel are associated with Jewish holidays and values, and the true meaning of friendship.


Q: Anything else we should know?

A: As a first-time author I am constantly learning about the publishing process and what goes into bringing a book into the world. It has been an eye-opening journey and I hope to share my experiences with others as I move forward in my book writing career.


Charley and Seymour’s Hanukkah Miracle is available for purchase from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite book seller.


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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