Monday, October 7, 2024

Q&A with Nicole Oke




Nicole Oke is the author of the new children's picture book Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas. She also has written the picture book Penny Panda and the Gift of Possibility. She is part of the wildland firefighting community, and she is based in Boise, Idaho.


Q: Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas is your second book featuring your characters Izzy and Penny. Did you know before you wrote the first book that you'd be writing another?


A: When I began writing my first book, Penny Panda and the Gift of Possibility, I envisioned it as the start of a series dedicated to helping children understand and manage their emotions.


I recognized that achieving this goal would require more than just one book, so I set out to create a collection where each story would focus on a different aspect of emotional intelligence.


My aim was to break down these complex topics into concepts that kids could easily grasp and apply in their own lives.

Q: What inspired this new story?


A: Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas was inspired by my oldest daughter, Isabel, who is also the namesake for Izzy in the book. At 8 years old, she often experiences multiple emotions at once—something many kids can relate to.


While Izzy has never been in a school talent show, she’s certainly faced moments where she felt both excited and nervous. We’ve had many conversations about how it’s normal to experience mixed emotions, and how each one has a purpose, even if they seem conflicting.


Explaining this concept was challenging, so we explored the idea that emotions serve as protectors, each with a unique role.


Izzy also played a big part in sparking the idea of including ninjas in the story. I wanted kids to see emotions as an integral part of who they are, yet still distinct from their identity.


I also aimed to create characters that would resonate with both girls and boys. As a mother of two daughters, my ideas often skew toward girl-centric themes, but I knew it was important to make these concepts appealing to all kids. The ninjas helped bridge that gap and added a dynamic element that boys could connect with as well.


Q: What do you think Richard Hoit’s illustrations add to the story?


A: Richard Hoit's illustrations truly bring the Penny Panda books to life. He has an incredible talent for transforming simple conversations between Penny and Izzy into moments of pure magic.


In Penny Panda and the Gift of Possibility, Richard suggested adding a sentence to hint at them playing tea party while they talked, and it was also his idea to have them jumping on the bed. These little touches add so much warmth and energy to the story.


I believe we make a fantastic team, creating engaging books that not only captivate kids but also teach them valuable lessons.


Q: What are you working on now?


A: I’m currently juggling three exciting projects.


The first is a special edition book within the Penny Panda series, specifically designed for the wildland firefighting community. Having worked in wildland fire for over 20 years, I’ve witnessed firsthand the impact of losing a firefighter on their families.


This book is meant to help parents who work in wildland fire—or any first responder job—talk with their kids about the risks involved. It’s also a resource for discussing death with children, focusing on normalizing the intense and sometimes scary emotions that come with it. Writing this book has challenged me to thoughtfully address tough topics like death in children’s literature.


The second project is Penny Panda and the Fairness Fairy. This story dives into what it truly means for something to be fair, emphasizing that fairness doesn’t always mean equality. Set in a vibrant carnival, it’s a fun and engaging tale, with the Fairness Fairy serving as a handy tool for parents to use when discussing fairness with their kids.


The third project steps away from Penny Panda. It’s about a colorful chameleon named Cami, who is on a quest to find a place where she truly belongs. Along her journey, Cami struggles to fit in by changing herself, until she realizes that in the right place, she doesn’t need to change a thing.


Q: Anything else we should know?


A: I’m passionate about writing children’s books, and it’s been an incredible journey learning the ins and outs of the business and what makes a great story for kids.


Like most authors, I hope my books leave a lasting impact on children. I believe it’s essential to equip kids with the tools they need to succeed in life, especially when it comes to social-emotional skills.


This is the driving force behind the Penny Panda books and why I’ve also created companion Penny Panda Activity Books. These activity books are available for free on my website, providing parents and caregivers with an additional resource to help build emotional intelligence in children.


--Interview with Deborah Kalb. This post was created in partnership with Nicole Oke. Enter this giveaway for a chance to win one of 10 signed hardcover copies of Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas. In addition to a signed copy, the grand prize winner will receive a Penny Panda sticker pack, Emotion Ninjas magnetic bookmark, coloring pages, and a $50 Amazon gift card.

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