Counting down the top 10 most-viewed Q&As of 2024: here's #9, a Q&A with Jocelyn Elise Crowley first posted on April 9, 2018.
Q&A with Jocelyn Elise Crowley
Jocelyn Elise Crowley is the author of the new book Gray Divorce: What We Lose and Gain from Mid-Life Splits. Her other books include The Politics of Child Support in America and Defiant Dads: Fathers' Rights Activists in America. She is a professor of public policy at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Q: What accounts for the increase in over-50 divorces? Is it
simply the larger number of people in the Baby Boom generation, or are there
other factors?
A: There are three primary factors. First, simply the aging
of the baby boom generation. The number of people 50 and over has expanded over
time. There were 100 million in 2010 and in 2050 the projections are for 161
million. We see a rising number of folks 50 and over, so we will see the
divorce rate rise.
Second is the changing life expectancy. In 1950 the average
man lived to 65 and the average woman to 71. Now, the average for a man is 76
and for a woman is 81. There’s a significant rise in life expectancy. As people
live longer, the chance [increases] that they might be exposed [to divorce].
Third is the cultural shift in American society. I was a kid
in the 1970s and when my parents divorced, it was a big stigma. Over time with
the evolution of divorce laws, there’s been a gradual destigmatizing of divorce
overall. People are finding it easier.
Q: Are the reasons for over-50 divorces similar to those for
younger age groups?
A: When I started the project, that was one of the main
questions I had. There was the traditional idea of
marriage—people get married because of love, and then have a sense of mutual
responsibility and obligation. When one partner engages in destructive
behavior, that’s when you would see divorce, with adultery or emotional abuse.
Then in the 1960s there was a new idea—that marriages were
places where you needed to be fulfilled and evolve, become a self-actualized
person. If that wasn’t happening, you could get divorced.
Baby boomers were the first generation coming of age in the
new generation of marriage. I expected reasons like that, that they grew apart.
But the majority of reasons had to do with traditional ideas of mutual
responsibility and obligation. Only when that was broken would they think about
divorce. It was a surprise.
Q: What are some other things you found that surprised you
in the course of your research?
A: The length of marriages, how long many of them stuck it
out hoping things would get better. I spoke to 40 men and 40 women who had
experienced gray divorce. Very few were married five years—the majority was married
20, 30, 40 years. The amount of dissatisfaction they lived through, and
attempted to make it work—that was a little surprising.
Often they would have problems in the beginning of a
marriage, and it kept happening. And they had kids, and eventually one person
would pursue divorce. The length to which they stuck to it before calling it
quits was surprising.
Q: What do you see looking ahead when it comes to divorce
A: The divorce rate for most of the population in the United
States has leveled off, and dipped among some populations, but gray divorce
rates have increased. From 1990 to 2010 they’ve doubled. If this continues,
this is going to become a phenomenon that’s increasing.
There are a host of economic and social implications to
think about. In the book I talk about women and men facing different penalties.
For women, there’s an economic gray divorce penalty. They
often have taken time out of paid work and go back, and they’re frequently
making less than men for a host of reasons. By the time men and women are in
their 50s, women have saved less for retirement, and have less contribution to
the Social Security system.
In the book I talk about some public policy implications,
what we should do to address this: pre-retirement financial literacy, the
importance of saving, why it’s important to save. All of these are really
important. Making sure women have access to public policies, such as paid
maternity leave.
For post-retirement policies, we have to look at the Social
Security system. Women take home less than men. It’s important to look at the
formula and reform it. Women can access an ex-spouse’s benefits if it’s greater
than what they’d get on their own, but they have to have been married 10 years
and the average marriage lasts eight years.
For men, I look at social gray divorce penalties. While
married, women are the primary social directors of the family. When there’s a
gray divorce, suddenly men lose that. Friends, even adult children tend to side
with the woman. He has a much smaller network.
We need to do a better job encouraging men to seek out therapy
and pursue support groups so they can talk about their feelings after a gray
Q: Anything else we should know?
A: I would say that in my research I found people going
through serious pain as a result of gray divorces. Men and women face different
consequences, but when I asked them, most were very optimistic about their
future. That’s what I wanted to communicate.
--Interview with Deborah Kalb
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