Monday, September 23, 2024

Q&A with L.S. Case




L.S. Case is the author of the new novel Bringing Back Yesterday. She also has written the novel A Hundred Days Till Tomorrow. She lives on Long Island.


Q: What inspired you to write Bringing Back Yesterday, and how did you create your character Calli?


A: Following A Hundred Days Till Tomorrow, I wanted my next novel to reflect yesterday. I aspired to express the sentiments of a mature character confronting expired dreams, missed opportunities, and broken promises.


Relatable Calli Everett portrays the restlessness of many middle-aged women who grieve the passage of time and mourn their younger selves. Because we are all perfectly imperfect, Calli’s broken pieces may mirror our self-doubts and insecurities.


I hope my readers will resonate with my heroine and cheer for her second chance while self-reflecting on their own ability to change. There’s no expiration date on a new beginning, but we must first be willing to let go to embrace something more meaningful.


Q: Did you need to do any research to write the novel, and if so, did you learn anything that especially surprised you?


A: Fiction writing welcomes flexibility. Rather than relaying facts, ideas spring from my imagination.


For example, Cobblers Hill and Longacre Pines have picturesque settings in my novels resembling Hallmark movies. Because they aren’t actual towns, I could include cobblestone streets where there would otherwise be pavement and gas-lit lanterns rather than street lights. Fall’s magical transformation could arrive earlier or later than the season dictates.


Still, I strive for accuracy in my content, and I’ve learned that most of my research stems from personal experiences rather than Google searches.


When writing Bringing Back Yesterday, memories of a Poconos bed-and-breakfast visit from over two decades ago resurfaced and jumped onto the pages, creating the Grist Mill Inn. I frequented thrift shops, browsing the oddities and witnessing the matchmaking process, to realistically portray the Second Chances thrift shop from my novel.


I was surprised that the smallest details could provide an entire chapter, and something trivial might someday become the foundation for another novel.


Q: What do you see as the role of second chances in this novel?


A: Second chances play a vital role in Bringing Back Yesterday. Calli advocates for outdated and overlooked items in the appropriately named thrift shop—Second Chances—transforming them into treasures. If inanimate objects are allowed a do-over, and we afford others a second chance, why do we often deny ourselves one?


This theme reminds us that we must believe in our self-worth and not settle or reject who we were meant to be. While it’s never too late to become unstuck from the past and begin anew, we must be open to change.


A second chance provides the missing link to Calli’s happiness. But will she embrace it?


Q: Did you know how the novel would end before you started writing it? 


A: Yes! The beginning and ending were already written in my mind before I typed the first sentence. Those were the easy parts. As I bridged from the first chapter to the last one, the sequence of events presented the challenge.


Bringing Back Yesterday could be compared to a puzzle. While I envisioned the complete picture with its glossy finish, there were lots of jagged pieces to fit together.


I like to create the element of surprise in my novels. Unprecedented circumstances cause drama for my characters and excitement for my readers. Sometimes, plot twists cause gaps in writing, like small spaces between pieces that compromise the entire puzzle.


Ultimately, my patience and perseverance paid off! Staying open-minded and welcoming creative detours made the rewrites worth it. In the end, every piece fit together seamlessly.


Q: What are you working on now? 


A: Before I embark on my next novel, I must immerse myself in new surroundings to gather inspiration. Crossing a few more items off my bucket list will help jog my creativity.


This past summer, I biked the entire Amalfi Coast, swam in the blue grottos, and made pizza with the locals on a hilltop farm in Sorrento. I attended concerts, explored small towns, and paddleboarded. These memories are stored for future content. By embracing new experiences, I gather fresh ideas and insight. I’m always up for an adventure!


Meanwhile, I’m celebrating close siblings… A Hundred Days Till Tomorrow and Bringing Back Yesterday—my two unique novels born a year apart! I’m enjoying author events, attending book clubs, participating in meet-and-greets, and learning about my readers.


After representing the past and future, my third novel will likely reflect the present.


--Interview with Deborah Kalb. Here's a previous Q&A with L.S. Case.

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