Paul Coccia is the author of the new young adult novel Recommended Reading. His other books include Leon Levels Up. He lives in Toronto.
Q: What inspired you to write Recommended Reading, and how did you create your character Bobby?
A: The idea for a fat, gay, romance-loving teen making a comeback was just really appealing. It speaks to who I am.
But it was Jane Austen’s character Emma Woodhouse that allowed me the “in” to really understand Bobby’s character. Like Emma, Bobby is meddlesome but benevolently so and aware of situations while being a touch self-unaware. He also believes he knows best. But does he?
I ended up taking pieces of what I loved about Emma, some of the film adaptation Clueless, a little of Elle Woods from Legally Blonde for the redemption, and some of my own personality and fed all of that into Bobby.
Q: The writer Jason June said of the book, “With just the right combo of dramatic declarations, mixed-signal cuties, and crotchety coworkers, Paul Coccia shows that every last one of us is worthy of being the lead in our own love story.” What do you think of that description?
A: Bobby would love it. He has big main-character energy. I love that too as sometimes the main character in a story is not necessarily one with a non-conventionally-portrayed body.
I also love that Jason June (there’s so much to love about Jason June!) mentions many of the things that make the book tick, including Gladys, the ultimate crotchety coworker.
I am still in shock that Jason June and others offered such positive blurbs that spoke to what I set out to accomplish. It’s a very Wow! Moment to receive blurbs from authors you’ve read and admired.
Q: How would you describe the dynamic between Bobby and Luke?
A: Ostensibly, they’re very different people. Bobby is a capital-R Romantic obsessed with romance. Luke is a capital-R Realist and not particularly interested in romance nor does he buy into the fantasy of it.
While Bobby has his head in the clouds or a scheme, Luke has both feet on the ground. They balance one another and challenge one another well.
It reminds me a lot of how I’m attracted to partners. While being very different on paper, their cores complement one another. I have some of Bobby’s energy, but also a lot of Luke’s personality too. They might just be two sides of one coin (or author).
Q: What do you hope readers take away from the story?
A: Enjoyment above all else. It’s a fun romp of a romcom. There is more serious subject matter, like consideration of self-worth and ownership of one’s body, who is deserving of love and why, etc.
But I hope readers resonate with the characters first and foremost and give thought to some of those topics as a byproduct of the reading journey. No one wants to be force fed a lesson. They want a good story. I hope I gave them a good story.
Q: What are you working on now?
A: I’m waiting to see final art for my first picture book called The Bear Fairy, illustrated by Fred Blunt. It’s a fun story about a little boy who finds a fat, hairy, burly fairy eating potato chips in the bottom of the bag. I’m calling it the universally relatable tale of just wanting to eat chips.
I’m also dabbling with an idea for an adult romance novel but it hasn’t taken its shape yet.
Q: Anything else we should know?
A: If you meet me, I’m a bit of a Bobby. While I don’t usually meddle in people’s love lives (much), I do love connecting people I enjoy with one another so you may hear me say something like, “You’ve got to meet so-and-so. You’ll love them.”
My instincts are typically on but it’s because I like awesome people and figure, awesome people will like other awesome people. Everyone wants somebody who’s going to match their freak. I also love plans and charts and will work hard.
Oh! And I always recommend reading my books with snacks. They seem to go hand-in-hand. Recommended Reading pairs exceptionally well with a warm drink and cookie.
--Interview with Deborah Kalb
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