Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Q&A with Paul G. Vecchiet




Paul G. Vecchiet is the author of the novel The Disclosure Paradox. He lives in West Virginia.


Q: What inspired you to write The Disclosure Paradox, and how did you create your cast of characters?

A: There were two key personal experiences that led me to investigate the UFO and phenomena and how it impacts humanity.


The first was falling asleep while listening to a rock music station during my sophomore year and waking up in the middle of night to a talk show where the guest was Erich von Daniken explaining how there are passages in the Bible that describes extraterrestrial contact – namely, the book of Ezechiel. I went to the school library the following day and found the chapter and verse he described.


The second event occurred as a senior captain in the U.S. Air Force where I discovered blueprints for an underground cryogenic facility. I kept that secret until five years after I left the Air Force


I was moved to research suppressed truths after stumbling upon an Ancient Aliens episode about the passage in the book of Ezechiel. Then I recalled the experience in the Air Force. After contacting experiencers, people who knew about various conspiracies, I started a blog in 2009.


Looking for work with the government again, I stopped the blog in 2011 but kept all the text. After meditative experiences and encounters with psychic women, I decided to write the book in May 2018. I self-published it in November 2019. This version is a better version of the self-published book


All the characters, including the main character, are based on real people. I change the names to protect their identities. Character names are real names with the first letters transposed.


The idea for the book was to write about suppressed truths using fiction. There were several key points I wanted to stress coming from the main idea. The main character is based on myself with all the back story and certain events presented as key moments in the story.


Q: Did you know how the novel would end before you started writing it, or did you make many changes along the way?

A: When I decided to write it and use as much of my blog, people I have met, and personal accounts, I dedicated one weekend to write the outline. It comprised 31 pages of detail, and I never strayed from the plot.


There were details worked on about how a building could be damaged by a bomb, and how an underground facility would be designed. The biggest change is what happened during the rescue of a woman who was being sexually assaulted in Area 51.

Q: What do you hope readers take away from the book?

A: My website ends with the words, “Stay curious.” I guide the reader on how the main character developed his belief system, going into the proverbial rabbit hole, but I also explain that it easy to get to deep where it could lead to problems. The main character understood this and avoided that trap.


If people are in favor of disclosure, they need to understand why the governments are preventing this – all to protect us. The only way this could happen is for the world to rid itself of the trappings that corrupt us. It will likely take generations, but it is not impossible.


The Renaissance rid the world of an evil that prevented free thought, suppressed the human spirit, and criminalized science and art. In the age of the internet, we need to start a second renaissance.


Q: What are you working on now?

A: The second novel, which is complete, is a sequel that closes the book on some characters. It is about a conspiracy to destroy the Shroud of Turin. It has an entire chapter dedicated to the facts to support its authenticity and garnered a foreword by a prominent researcher.


It is titled Salvation and has salvation of many levels. Like my other books, there is social voice, and in this book, I have the antagonist motivated by revenge from being abused as a child.


Q: Anything else we should know?


A: I originally self-published this book in 2019. Then I wrote a prequel titled What Doesn’t Kill Her and self-published in 2021. After experiencing less than favorable amount of interest by readers I resolved not to write again.


A former Benedictine monk searched “extraterrestrials” and “religion” and found The Disclosure Paradox. He enjoyed it so much that he “friended” me on social media. He told me the only thing missing in my book was The Shroud. He proceeded to send me hundreds of PDF files of research papers from many other researchers on every aspect of the Shroud.


As I read them, I realized that it would make for an excellent sequel, adding to the messages I wanted to convey. I quickly wrote an outline and sent it to him, and he loved it. After a few months, I sent him a draft of the manuscript. He loved that too and he is the one who wrote the foreword I mentioned earlier.


With his endorsement I was encouraged to seek publication through queries. During the process, I was approached by Bob Yehling because he noticed I was an administrator on his Facebook group, Word Journeys. He explained he left his group while under cancer treatment and thanked me for the service. Then he asked what I was doing, and I described my book Salvation.


He offered to help me on the query process and then after reading the manuscript helped edit it and then as an author himself, passed it on to his publisher who liked it. When they found it was the third in a series, they asked for the other two manuscripts and liked them. So now I have a publisher who will release the series completely, starting with the first one.


This confirms what I wrote in the preface about fate, destiny, and people in our lives.


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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