Monday, January 13, 2025

Q&A with Wanda E. Brunstetter and Martha Bolton


Wanda E. Brunstetter



Wanda E. Brunstetter and Martha Bolton are the authors of the new novel The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits. Brunstetter's many other books include the Daughters of Lancaster County series. Bolton's many other books include Dear Bob.



Q: What inspired you to write The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie’s Biscuits, and how did you create your character Fannie?


Wanda: Since the character of Fannie was quite popular from a previous series I wrote called The Daughters of Lancaster County, which was also made into a musical that was well-received, Martha asked if I would like to co-author The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie’s Biscuits, creating a new storyline for this character. I thought it sounded like a fun project, so I said yes.


Q: Did you know how the story would end before you started writing it, or did you make many changes along the way?

Martha Bolton

Martha: We had an idea, but through the writing process we gave ourselves permission to go wherever the story took us. In a way, the characters took over and often surprised us. We had a lot of fun with Foster and Fannie’s deepening friendship. In spite of their differences, they nudge each other on to be better versions of themselves.


Q: How did the two of you collaborate on the book? What was your writing process like?


Wanda: First, Martha shared her idea for the book, and then we developed the characters and created detailed sketches for each of the main players.


From there, we plotted scenes and took turns creating chapters, which we sent back and forth to each other to add to or make suggestions. We continued this process until we had the complete story told and our word count met.  


Q: How would you describe the dynamic between your characters Fannie and Foster?


Martha: It’s a guarded but ever-deepening friendship born out of their love of crime-solving, a mutual respect for each other’s sleuthing skills, and a sense of playfulness.


There is an element of attraction, which they both deny due to the circumstances (she’s Amish, he’s not), but that, too, is handled respectfully. It never interferes with their mission of solving troubling cases in Amish country.


Q: What are you working on now?


Wanda: I am currently putting the finishing touches on the third and final book in my Mifflin County Mystery series. The title of the book is “The Pretender.”


Martha: In addition to two new musicals, I am working on my career memoirs, and helping my 24-year old grandson write his story of his journey to a heart/kidney transplant.  


Q: Anything else we should know?


Wanda: The musical play based on The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie’s Biscuits will open on the Bird-in-Hand Stage in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, on April 3, 2025. It will also open in Shipshewana, Indiana, on July 1, 2025. I am looking forward to being  at both openings next year.  


Martha: I, too, hope to meet you at the opening of the musical! And we look forward to any future mysteries from this unique and fun crime-solving duo!


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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