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Claudia Kalb, photo by Hilmar Meyer-Bosse |
Claudia Kalb is the author of Andy Warhol Was a Hoarder: Inside the Minds of History's Great Personalities. She was a senior
writer for Newsweek for many years, and her work has also appeared in Smithsonian
and Scientific American. She lives in Alexandria, Virginia.
Q: How did you select the 12 people you profile in your
A: It was both an exciting and challenging process. I looked
for a compelling mix of individuals whose talents and livelihoods varied, and
who inhabited a wide swath of history.
Among the 12, there is a president (Lincoln), a scientist
(Darwin), a Russian novelist (Dostoevsky), an artist (Warhol), a composer (Gershwin),
an actress (Marilyn Monroe), and a British princess (Diana).
I also sought cases in which there was ample
autobiographical and biographical material about the person, as well as
reliable medical studies and expert analysis of behaviors and mental health
Q: You start the book with Marilyn Monroe. Why did you
choose her as the focus of the first chapter, and what do you think are some of
the most common perceptions and misperceptions about her?
A: I wrote the chapters without a specific lineup in mind.
Once they were complete, I arranged them in a way that made sense in terms of
narrative flow.
Monroe was a natural opener. She continues to captivate
people more than 50 years after her death. She was Hollywood’s glamour girl.
She had the look, the lure—that mysterious quality that draws people in. She
also appears briefly in later chapters, so it also made logical sense to place
her first.
There are so many common perceptions and misperceptions
about Marilyn Monroe. That things came easy, that she was empty-headed, that
she was manufactured by Hollywood.
The reality is that Monroe struggled with deep feelings of
emptiness, loneliness and vulnerability. Insecure about her intellect, she took
art classes and collected books by Dostoevsky and Hemingway.
People who knew her well talked about her innocence. She
talked about the burden of fame. Her life was a struggle—and often a very
painful one—from start to finish.
Q: Why was Andy Warhol selected as the person to include in
the title, and what did you learn about him that particularly surprised you?
A: Warhol and hoarding jumped out as a winning title
combination. Like Monroe, Warhol is a cultural icon who will always fascinate
the public. And hoarding, for its part, has become a cultural spectacle through
reality TV. It’s also a condition many people can relate to.
Hoarding has also earned new status in the psychiatric
world. Formerly viewed as a subtype or symptom of obsessive-compulsive
disorder, “hoarding disorder” earned stand-alone status as a new diagnosis in
the most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM), published in 2013.
Warhol surprised me in so many ways. I had no idea that he
was such a rabid collector of low-end and high-end items—from five-and-dime
junk to artwork by Rauschenberg and Lichtenstein.
His 610 time capsules, filled with everything from junk mail
to photographs, pizza dough, and even overdue invoices from the surgeon who
saved his life after he was shot in 1968, are astounding. And yet he yearned
for clean space.
I’m very familiar with Warhol’s famous pieces (the celebrity
portraits, the Campbell’s Soup Cans), but one of my most delightful discoveries
was his earlier art, which he created for fashion magazines in the 1950s. I
fell in love with the artist’s colorful and whimsical illustrations of shoes!
Q: Of all the people you researched, were there some that
you developed a particular fondness for? What about a particular dislike?
A: I was particularly drawn to Charles Darwin, who struggled
with headaches, stomachaches, dizziness and more while writing On the Origin of
Species. I sympathized with his struggles—including the difficult task of
writing—and I admired his ethical character.
I was also enormously impressed with Betty Ford’s
forthrightness about her battle with addiction. Here was a first lady who
fought her way through rehab and then went on to help thousands of people
recognize and address their own substance use disorders. She was remarkable.
I struggled most with liking Frank Lloyd Wright’s
narcissistic traits—his overwhelming sense of entitlement and superiority. I
have huge admiration for his aesthetic vision and architectural creations, but
not the way he treated other people.
Q: Are there any figures you considered writing about but
A: Yes, I considered quite a number of individuals who
didn’t make it into the book, often because I felt that the combination of
science, biographical material and expert opinion was not strong enough.
In other cases, I simply had to make a choice. Many famous
people have struggled with depression, for example, but Lincoln stood out for
so many reasons: his childhood, his presidency, his gift for storytelling and
humor amidst the melancholy. Above all, there was so much rich material to mine
about his life.
There are other individuals who didn’t make it in, but
continue to fascinate me. I’m intrigued by Vincent van Gogh, for example,
because there’s such conflicting information about what ailed him. Was it
bipolar? Schizophrenia? Maybe syphilis?
Just a few months ago, a group of experts meeting at the Van
Gogh Museum in Amsterdam held a very lively debate about this very subject.
They concluded that the artist suffered from psychosis, though they could not
agree on the underlying cause of his mental illness—further evidence that
mental health conditions can be so complex and difficult to diagnose.
Q: Looking at Abraham Lincoln, so much has been written
about him. How did you research your Lincoln chapter, and what did you find
that especially surprised you?
A: Much has been written about Lincoln’s dark state of mind,
the sadness of his face, the melancholy that “dripped from him as he walked,”
as his law partner, William Herndon recalled.
I read biographies, newspaper and magazine stories, and
medical studies. I interviewed mental health experts who specialize in
depression and I delved into historical documents, including reminiscences from
Herndon and Elizabeth Keckley, a former slave who worked as Mary Lincoln’s
assistant and dressmaker.
I especially loved reading the work of the great muckraking
journalist Ida Tarbell, who wrote extensively about Lincoln for McClure’s
magazine in the late 1800s.
Ultimately, I was most surprised by the depth of Lincoln’s
suffering during the depressive episodes he experienced in early adulthood. As
one of his contemporaries described it, “he became plunged in despair” and even
contemplated suicide.
Q: Another person you examine is Christine Jorgensen. Why
did you decide to include her, and what did you learn about her life?
A: Transgender issues have leapt into the headlines as
individuals have gone public with their stories and their battles for human
rights. I wanted to write about the history of transgender men and women through
a personal story.
Christine Jorgensen, the first widely known transgender
individual in the United States, was the ideal choice. There was ample material
to draw from, including Jorgensen’s own autobiography, medical reports
published by her doctors, and newspaper and magazine accounts of her life.
As I researched her story, Jorgensen’s bravery and persistence
stood out. Her journey began in the 1930s, when there was little to no
appreciation of transgender issues. With few resources and little support early
on, Jorgensen managed to seek treatment and successfully transition to her new
life—one that was fulfilling, even with its challenges.
I was struck, ultimately, by Jorgensen’s honesty. Accused of
masquerading as a woman, she responded that “the real masquerade would have
been to continue in my former state…I found the oldest gift of heaven—to be myself.”
Q: How have readers responded to the book?
A: I’ve received wonderful feedback from readers both in the
U.S. and abroad.
Mental health experts tell me they’re using the book to
better understand their patients and the mental health conditions they treat.
One high school counselor wrote to say that the book changed
her views on clinical depression. She’s using material from the Lincoln chapter
to counsel students who are depressed. Her goal: to show them how much
potential each person has and to help them see the full value of their lives.
Readers have also found solace in these stories. Knowing
that they are not alone in their struggles with ADHD, OCD, anxiety or any other
mental health condition is reassuring. One young woman said that reading about
Marilyn Monroe led her to seek therapy for the first time so that her own
symptoms don’t worsen.
I’m profoundly grateful that this book has not only appealed
to readers, but also enriched their lives.
Q: What are you working on now?
A: I’m at that wonderful stage where I get to emerge from
the writing cave and set the book free into the hands of readers. I’m sifting
through material that I couldn’t fit into the book and shaping some of it into
pieces that I hope to publish. I’m thinking about next writing assignments,
next books, next adventures.
Q: Anything else we should know?
A: My goal in writing this book was to put a face on the
complexities of the mind. I unraveled hypotheses put forth by medical experts
based on the best evidence available.
In certain cases, the individuals spoke openly about their
own diagnoses—Betty Ford and addiction; Princess Diana and bulimia nervosa. In
others, including both Einstein and Darwin, I intentionally left room for
questions. Even with wonderful advances in science, the brain is still a
mystery in so many ways.
My overarching hope is that this book will help chip away at
stigma by humanizing the mental health conditions that affect so many
--Interview with Deborah Kalb. Claudia Kalb is my cousin! She will be speaking at the Bethesda Literary Festival on April 22, 2017. For a previous version of this Q&A, please click here.
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