Monday, July 8, 2024

Q&A with Hemant Nayak



Hemant Nayak is the author of the new young adult novel A Magic Fierce & Bright. He also has written the novel The Tools of the Ghost. Also a physician, he lives in the Pacific Northwest. 


Q: What inspired you to write A Magic Fierce & Bright, and how did you create your character Adya?


A: What inspired me? I was seized by the idea—what would it be like if all the machines and technology and laws of physics we know suddenly stopped working and all the legends of magic of various cultures came to life? What if magic was the new form of energy and power?


A friend of mine pointed out that this would mean that different mythologies from different cultures around the globe would come to life and be in conflict with each other. I found that entire idea absolutely captivating! 


How did I create Adya? Honestly, Adya mostly created herself. She’s just pure ornery determination and wrote herself into being.


It did occur to me that in a world where magic had come to life and machines no longer worked, it would be very interesting to have one character whose rare magical power was to bring machines back to life. And when they did come back to life I realized, they would be magical and have their own personalities!


Some readers may think this is a mix of sci fi and fantasy, but I really was writing pure fantasy and this seemed to me like the perfect magical power. 


Q: The novel is set in South India--how important is setting to you in your work? 


A: Setting is extremely important to this story because the various mythologies of each geographical culture come to life depending on the setting.


Also I was born in Mumbai and my father was from South India, so it’s very meaningful to me. He came from a very small village and his family were extremely poor. Only three of his eight siblings survived childhood. 


I remember well visiting his village when I was 8 and spending a summer in rural village India. I tried to bring some of that to the story and a bit of the plight of those less fortunate. 


Q: Did you know how the story would end before you started writing it, or did you make many changes along the way?


A: I absolutely didn’t know how the story would end or the biggest twist! That twist, which I think readers will love, came to me while on a walk and is just so natural and right that I knew right away it would be perfect. 


Q: What do you hope readers take away from the book?


A: I hope readers truly enjoy the story and come away feeling they can read fantasy from all cultures and it’s still the same amazing experience of discovery. Also I want them to come away with a feeling of hope and faith in friendship, love, and goodness, even though great evil exists in the world. 


Q: What are you working on now?


A: Ahhhhh! Now I am working on fantasy I am super excited about called Crow and Shadow.


Here’s the pitch - A thief with a conscience who can see through the eyes of a raven, a magical city ruled by a syndicate of wizards, and a mysterious girl who everyone wants dead. Welcome to the dark city of Al Dasir, capital of Sawan Des, gateway to the world of Crow and Shadow.


I also have a series called The Path of the Ghost in the works, the first book of which is available – The Tools of the Ghost. I really love the Tools book and the character of the Ghost!


Q: Anything else we should know?


A: Well, I hope to be writing for a long time and am super excited to communicate with readers so send me a message or leave a comment on my website  and get on my newsletter list! Thanks to you and to all the readers out there! 


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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