Monday, July 29, 2024

Q&A with Gina Cavalier




Gina Cavalier is the author, with Dr. Amelia Kelley, of the new book Surviving Suicidal Ideation: From Therapy to Spirituality and the Lived Experience. Cavalier also has written the book How I Became Santa Claus. She is also an inspirational speaker and former entertainment studio executive.


Q: What inspired you to write Surviving Suicidal Ideation?


A: I have struggled with suicidal ideation since childhood, and it has deeply influenced my sense of self. Over time, it became intertwined with my identity, making it hard to envision life without it, despite the hope that it was never truly a part of me. This paradoxical attachment made it even more difficult to let go of.


However, when I finally healed from this and realized that it no longer controlled me, even during challenging times, I knew that it was no longer a part of who I was.


I feel compelled to share my experience to demonstrate that openly acknowledging and committing to healing from periodic suicidal ideation is achievable. The fear of this ideation lurking in the background creates a sense of instability and loss of control. By actively pursuing healing, creating a solid plan, and seeking support, it's possible to dismantle this destructive aspect of identity and live free from suicidal thoughts.


Q: The book's subtitle is “From Therapy to Spirituality and the Lived Experience.” How would you say those elements work together for survival?


A: As I reflect on my journey of healing, I feel compelled to share my memory and experiences of battling suicidal ideation, which stemmed from childhood abuse and resulted in toxic adult relationships that deeply impacted my self-worth.


Initially, my intention was to recount how I managed to transform my pain and suffering into love and healing, ultimately shaping the life I desired. However, I sensed a crucial missing element in my story. If I truly aimed to support others through similar hardships, it became clear to me that a clinical perspective was essential to provide the necessary guidance, support, and encouragement during the healing process.


During an interview on my podcast, I met Dr. Amelia Kelley, and a strong internal voice urged me to invite her to co-author a book with me. Upon sharing my request, she graciously agreed, and thus our collaboration began.


Dr. Kelley's expertise would contribute medically supported terminology to help individuals intellectually comprehend their experiences. Meanwhile, I would offer insights into the spiritual and healing methods that aided my own journey, with the hope that they would resonate with others.


We recognized that sharing personal stories of enduring and healing from similar experiences could provide inspiration for those seeking their own path to healing. This collaborative effort aimed to blend clinical knowledge with personal narratives and spiritual guidance, striving to provide a comprehensive resource for individuals navigating their healing journey.

Q: Who do you see as the readership for the book?


A: The issue of completed suicides, attempts, and suicidal thoughts is a significant concern globally. This book aims to provide hope and answers for those who are struggling, as well as offer insight for individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide and are now coping with their own grief. It is written to resonate with people from the age of 18 to the elder years, addressing a broad demographic.


Q: What are some of the key things you hope readers take away from it?


A: I hope whoever comes across book feels deeply understood, acknowledged, and upheld, no matter what they may be going through. I hope they sense the outpouring of love from the entire community that contributed to its creation and the sharing of valuable information.


I know that if they can find the energy to believe again and can entrust themselves to the process we outlined with our supportive and compassionate community, they can begin the journey toward healing so they can embrace and fulfill their purpose here on Earth.


To live a life without suicidal ideation can and will happen, and I want that for them; it is so wonderous and liberating. I want to share that with them, and I stand here to represent that I have been fully healed and am living a life I never dreamt was possible. I want that for them too.


Q: What are you working on now?


A: Thank you for asking. Many things are in the works.


I have recently submitted a manuscript to my second publisher, O-Books. The book is scheduled for release before the holidays in 2024, and it's called Planet Walking - A Handbook for the Living. This book offers a six-week healing program designed to help individuals liberate themselves, with a specific focus on healing suicidal ideation.


It provides daily guidance and re-education for people who are interested in learning about energy and healing techniques through descriptive artwork and bite-sized information. These techniques have been taught by me for many years and aim to help humans navigate their lives on this planet.


We have a documentary package called The Edge of Life: Surviving Suicidal Ideation that we are currently presenting to studios and educational partners. This documentary aims to explore the global impact of suicide and to uncover strategies for reversing this distressing trend.


I am collaborating with Jeanette DePatie on a five-book fictional series called "Thomas Fine & The Mystery School," with the first book already complete. We are also developing a feature film treatment for the series and are in discussions with various studios to bring this exciting franchise to life.


With 25 years of experience in the studio system and a background working on titles such as Harry Potter and Kong/Godzilla, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Our goal with these books is to use storytelling to impart valuable moral lessons and inspire hope for a better future on Earth.


Q: Is there anything else we should know?


A: Don’t forget, “You are the JOY that nothing else is. Your SOUL is the most valuable thing you own. Take care of it.”


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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