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Elizabeth Letts, photo by Nora Alalou |
Elizabeth Letts is the author of the new novel Finding Dorothy. It focuses on the life of Maud Gage Baum, whose husband, L. Frank Baum, wrote The Wizard of Oz. Her other books include The Eighty-Dollar Champion and The Perfect Horse. She lives in Southern California.
What first got you interested in the life of Maud Gage Baum, and were you
always a fan of The Wizard of Oz?
I vividly remember my first time seeing The Wizard of Oz when I was 4 years
old—the local TV store opened their doors to the public so that neighborhood
folk could watch it on a color TV.
I knew nothing about the life of L. Frank Baum and his wife Maud until I was
reading the book aloud to my son a few years ago and I noticed anew how strong
and vivid the female characters were. I wondered why I knew nothing about the
author of such a famous story.
was when I discovered the Gage women—his wife, Maud, and his mother-in-law,
Matilda Joslyn Gage. I was intrigued to learn that Baum’s wife was raised to be
very modern and independent by her mother, a famous suffragist and close friend
of Susan B. Anthony.
it wasn’t until I saw a photo of Maud Baum on the set of the 1939 movie with
actress Judy Garland that I realized I had a story to tell.
was a widow by then, strong-minded, but as an older woman it could not have
been easy to make her voice heard in male-dominated 1930s Hollywood, and Judy
Garland was barely 16 when she seem to capture the very essence of hope when
she sang “Over the Rainbow.”
what attracted me to this story— two women, one old, one young, both insisting
on having a voice and being heard.
How did you research the book, and did you learn anything that particularly
surprised you?
Because I have a background writing non-fiction history, I approached the
writing of this book by doing a lot of research. What fascinates me about the
past is that it’s kind of like Oz itself. You can read all about it but you
can’t actually go there—only the imagination opens that pathway.
research, I often discover that the past is not exactly what I thought. Getting
up close with primary sources—letters, photographs, diaries, and maps never
fails to reveal something new and unexpected.
thing that surprised me while researching this book was remembering that when
they were filming The Wizard of Oz, most special effects techniques that we now
take for granted hadn’t even been invented yet.
studio was basically making it up as it went along—we don’t think of it now,
but the idea that you could create a fantasy world on film was very novel at
the time. As The Wizard of Oz celebrates its 80th anniversary this year, we
realize how well their improvisations have stood the test of time.
What did you see as the right balance between fiction and history as you wrote
the book, and how did you choose which parts of the Baums' lives to include in
your story?
Every writer of historical fiction has to solve this in her own way, but for
me, it was very important for me to make both the broad outlines and the
specific details of the story consistent with the actual historical record.
me, this meant, researching everything from what the Tin Man’s costume was
actually made of, to reading 19th century obstetric books. I very much dislike
it when I’m reading an historical novel and I read things that are not
factually accurate for the time period. That seems lazy to me.
the other hand, where fiction shines is in the ability to fill in the gaps. The
novelist’s art is to spin out the story from the known facts—making you feel as
if you are actually there, a fly on the wall, witnessing history from behind the
far as what to include, I always end up with a lot of material that does not
end up in the final draft. In the end, no matter how interesting something is,
it doesn’t stay in unless it drives the story forward.
The book deals with women's rights, both in the 19th century and in the late
1930s. How do you think your novel resonates with the current #MeToo movement?
My book was sitting on my editor’s desk waiting to be read when the Weinstein
story broke, so I did not write the story knowing how timely it would be, but
it isn’t possible to read about Judy Garland’s life without thinking about the
long history of abusive behavior toward women in Hollywood.
was so fascinating to me is that Maud and her mother, Matilda, were so far
ahead of their time—and if you know where to look, this modern view of women is
everywhere in Baum’s Oz—clearly Baum had absorbed their message.
I think for me the big take home was how long the fight for women’s equality
has been, and how many of our foremothers who fought for rights that we now
take for granted did not see the results during their lifetimes.
Joslyn Gage spent her whole life fighting for votes for women and yet she did
not live to see the day when women got the vote—she was fighting for her
daughter and granddaughters and future generations of women.
that thought gave me hope--just because we as women haven’t achieved everything
that we would like to achieve doesn't mean that our fight is not worth the
effort. Our daughters and granddaughters will live in a better world in part
because of our efforts.
What are you working on now?
I’m in the middle of researching and writing a new non-fiction book—an
inspiring true story about a woman, her horse, and her dog—an unlikely trio who
beat long odds to complete an incredible journey across mid-century America.
Anything else we should know?
Just that I fell head-over-heels in love with Frank and Maud while writing this
book and I hope you will too. It makes me happy to know that more people will
get to know the remarkable story behind America’s best-loved tale.
I’ll just close with a quote from Baum himself
which I think sums up his philosophy—and mine!
this world in which we live simplicity and kindness are the only magic wands
that work wonders”
― L. Frank Baum
― L. Frank Baum
--Interview with Deborah Kalb
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