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Rabbi Mindy Portnoy |
Mindy Avra Portnoy is a rabbi at Temple Sinai in Washington, D.C., and the author of several books for children, including Ima on the Bima, Where Do People Go When They Die?, and Matzah Ball.
Q: Two of your books, A Tale of Two Seders and Matzah Ball, deal with the Passover holiday. What about
Passover makes it a good subject to write about, especially for kids?
A: Passover (Pesach) includes so many tangible symbols,
which makes it very accessible to people of all ages, including children. And
the Seder’s setting is at home, where children can celebrate comfortably. Of course,
on a practical level as far as the world of publishing/marketing goes, people
are also often looking for a meaningful Afikomen present to give to a child,
and a book is still the perfect gift.
In terms of the particular topics of my two Passover books,
Passover does often coincide with the beginning of the baseball season; both
represent spring and renewal in many ways. In Matzah Ball, I deal with the
issue of “feeling different” (which in the case of the child in the book means
he can’t eat the usual ballpark food); I discovered after publishing it, that
other minority groups related to it well. Mostly, I wrote it because I’m
a fanatic baseball fan!
My other Passover book, A Tale of Two Seders, deals with the
family dynamics of Passover, in this particular case, two parents who are
divorced. The idyllic picture of the traditional family gathered together
around the Passover Seder table turns out to be more complicated for the child
in the book; this reverberates for people in other holiday situations, like
Thanksgiving. How do you “make it work” when your family is “different”? In
this case, the charoset recipe serves as the perfect metaphor!
Q: What reaction have readers had to your book Where
Do People Go When They Die?, and why did you decide to write a book
explaining death to children?
A: What most surprised me in the reaction to Where Do People Go When They Die? is that so many adults tell me it has served as a catalyst
for THEM to discuss death and their beliefs about an afterlife with other
adults! I thought I had written a book for children, but it turns out death is
such a taboo topic that this simple book often helps adults to find a way to
talk about their own feelings, beliefs, hopes. It is a book which also appeals
to people of different religions or who are not religious at all; it is not for
Jews only (this often happens with my books; I discovered to my surprise that
many Christian groups really appreciated the “Elijah” figure in Matzah Ball!).
I wrote Where Do People Go When They Die? because I
discovered I (as a Rabbi) needed a book like that to recommend to parents
of young children who had experienced the death of a loved one, and who were
trying to find appropriate language to discuss it with them. The illustrations
in the book are very colorful and warm, not at all “scary”, and the words and
pictures together enable parents to broach the subject. It also allows parents
to be able to say that people have different ideas about what happens after a
person dies, and that there doesn’t have to be one pat answer.
Q: You were one of the first women rabbis in Reform Judaism.
How did your own experience inspire you to write Ima on the Bima?
A: I wrote Ima on the Bima because I came up with the title
and knew that one of my colleagues would no doubt write such a book, so why not
me? I was one of the early female rabbis, and I knew that there were no
children’s books which included a woman rabbi. I also discovered that there
were no books just talking about what rabbis do. And in fact it is important to
note that nowhere in the book does the child say anything about it being
strange our unusual that her MOM is a rabbi, because for children of that
generation (the book was published in 1986), it was just a fact of life, it was
not unusual for them. That’s what they grew up with! I have recently
authored an essay for the Central Conference of American Rabbis for an upcoming
anthology about the 40th anniversary (2012) of women in the rabbinate, in which
I re-examine Ima on the Bima from the perspective of 27 years later.
Q: Another of your books, "Mommy Never Went to Hebrew
School," deals with religious conversion. How did you come up with the particular
characters for that story?
A: Again, I wrote Mommy Never Went to Hebrew School because
I couldn’t find children’s books about the topic of conversion to Judaism, and
yet so many children were growing up with parents who had converted, and it is
important for children to see themselves in literature. My publisher, KAR
BEN (later bought by Lerner Publishing), recognized that new kinds of books
needed to be published for a new world of Jewish children, who couldn’t see themselves
in the “old school” of Jewish children’s literature. It was actually a very
daring venture, because the Jewish children’s publishing world is a small
niche, and there were very traditional Jews who would not purchase a book with
a woman rabbi for example (there were Jewish bookstores who wouldn’t even sell
Ima on the Bima at first!) or in which there was full equality between men and
women, etc.
Q: Are you working on another children's book?
A: I’m working on several different writing projects,
including another children’s book. In the past couple of years, I’ve been
writing blogs (on my Women’s Rabbinic Network site, for example), articles for
Haaretz.com, two essays for LILITH magazine, the essay for the CCAR anthology,
and am hoping (as I retire from my full-time congregational position at the end
of May) to work on a longer (perhaps even adult) project as well. I think there
are still underserved areas to be explored in Jewish children’s literature,
e.g. Jewish children’s relationships with children from other religions, the
impact of interfaith marriage, and many others. I may want to write a follow-up
to Ima as well.
Q: Anything else we should know?
A: Thank you for asking me to share my thoughts with you.
I’m available for speaking engagements and book fairs, so if anyone is
interested, you can contact me at breenport@gmail.com.
--Interview with Deborah Kalb
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