Friday, August 30, 2024

Q&A with Emma R. Alban




Emma R. Alban is the author of the new novel You're the Problem, It's You. It's the second in her Mischief & Matchmaking series, following Don't Want You Like a Best Friend. She lives in Los Angeles.


Q: Did you know when you wrote Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend that you'd be writing a series about your characters?


A: I knew as soon as I wrote the epilogue for Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend that I wanted to tell Bobby and James’ story, and I had fleshed out a significant outline for their romance before we went on sub with Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend.


That said, I didn’t know if Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend would sell at the time, and whether, if it did, the publisher would want there to be more than one book.


I feel immensely lucky that Avon wanted to continue the Mischief & Matchmaking world, and that I was given the chance to give Bobby and James’ their proper story, and continue Beth and Gwen’s journey through it as well. It’s been marvelous to get to stay with these characters through two books; I’m very grateful. 


Q: How would you describe the dynamic between Bobby and James?


A: Bobby and James think they are total opposites, but are actually deeply similar. Their dynamic is enemies-to-lovers who should have immediately been friends, but can’t get out of their own way for a while.


They’re both striving to find a purpose in the world, and a place to belong, but their responsibilities to their families and society at large are very different.


The friction of “I should like you, but we keep fighting” was very fun to write, and I really enjoyed getting to show two perspectives on each messy interaction. 

Q: Do you think Beth and Gwen have changed at all from one book to the next?


A: I think we see a more settled version of Beth and Gwen in You’re the Problem, It’s You. They’re confident in their ability to be together, and enjoying figuring out what their life will look like together, protected by their family.


They’re still chaotic, and scheming, and messy, but they’ve got more stability, and it allows them to pursue wider goals (be they the promise of lavender marriages, or how to fill their time and do good in the world, or anything in between). 


Q: Did you know how the story would end before you started writing it, or did you make many changes along the way?


A: I knew exactly what the epilogue for You’re the Problem, It’s You would be back when I was writing Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend. The journey to get there for Bobby and James changed while I was writing it, and how I incorporated all of the other characters shifted and changed throughout writing both books, but I always knew where I wanted them to end up. 


Q: What are you working on now? Will the series continue?


A: I’m currently working on my next queer historical romance, which I can share more about soon. It’s not part of the Mischief & Matchmaking world, but I’m really enjoying the process and can’t wait to share these new characters with readers.


That said, I have ideas and hope to get to write more books in the Mischief & Matchmaking world in the future! Beth, Gwen, Bobby, and James I think will always be close to my heart, and returning to their world will always be joyful. I’d love to spend more time there. 


--Interview with Deborah Kalb. Here's a previous Q&A with Emma R. Alban.

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