Monday, August 12, 2024

Q&A with Adina Oberman




Adina Oberman is the author of the new children's board books Let's Count NYC and N is for NYC. She is a preschool teacher, and she hosts the blog Big Books for Little Hands.



Q: What inspired you to write Let's Count NYC and N is for NYC?


A: Familius has a wonderful regional book series featuring many U.S. states. I love the series and, being a New York native, felt that we absolutely had to have one about New York! Since the sights, sounds and flavors of NYC are so iconic, my team decided that this would be the first in the series to focus on a city, as opposed to the entire state. 


Q: How did you choose the New York-related items to highlight in the books? 


A: Choosing each of the people and places highlighted in the book was a true labor or love. My goal was to highlight the iconic elements of the city that we all know and love while reflecting and celebrating the diverse cultures and experiences of real New Yorkers.


I hope readers will be excited as they find landmarks like Central Park, the Apollo Theater, and the Empire State Building in the book. I also hope they'll be inspired to go to the next Harlem Jazz Festival, visit the art installations painted on Doyers Street in Chinatown, or taste a New York bagel when they see Volha's gorgeous illustrations. 


Q: What do you think Volha Kaliaha’s illustrations add to the books? 


A: I can't imagine this book without Volha's meticulous work. I love the way that she's brought NYC to life on the pages of these books. With so many vibrant colors and lots of details on each page, she truly knows how to draw readers in. 


Q: What do you hope kids (and adults!) take away from your books?


A: I hope kids and parents enjoy exploring letters, numbers, and colors as they read. I also hope that both New York locals, and future visitors, will discover something (or someplace) new, and be inspired to learn more about it. 


Q: What are you working on now?


A: I'm currently working on more board books with Familius, including two titles that celebrate Jewish culture. Stay tuned! 


Q: Anything else we should know? 


A: I'm a mom of two young kids. My son is about to start 1st grade, and my daughter will be starting 4th grade.


After teaching nursery school for nearly 10 years, I wanted to share my love of children's books, so I created a blog, called Big Books for Little Hands. On the blog, I share my favorite books that help adults navigate the challenges of life with young kids.


From books to support potty training and soothing kids with bad dreams, to books for picky eaters or managing life after the loss of a loved one, I cover it all!


You can find me on Instagram: @BBLhands, and visit


Fun fact: You can find my dog, Maddie, in the Central Park scene at the end of Let's Count New York City.


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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