Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Q&A with Michelle A. Barry




Michelle A. Barry is the author of the new middle grade novel Seagarden. It's the second in her Plotting the Stars series, which began with Moongarden. She lives in Connecticut.



Q: Seagarden is the second novel in your Plotting the Stars series--did you know from the start that you'd be writing more than one novel about your character Myra?

A: I always knew there was more to Myra’s story to tell. In particular, I had a very clear vision of how I wanted Book 2 (Seagarden) to end, and how I wanted Book 3 to begin. It's definitely a dream come true to be able to write (and share with readers) Myra’s full adventure!


Q: In our previous interview, you discussed the influence of The Secret Garden on Moongarden. Was there another classic that inspired Seagarden?

A: In Seagarden, Myra and her friends join an exchange program that leads them to a new school on Venus. While their lunar school, S.L.A.M., has a heavy focus on magic as it relates to science and math, the curriculum at V.A.M.A. has a much more creative, artistic flavor.


The kids have a real “we’re not in Kansas anymore” moment, reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz, when they arrive and see all the ways they could use their magic that never occurred to them before.


Q: Why did you choose Venus as the setting for Seagarden?

A: I am a huge PBS buff and especially love the network's NOVA series. NOVA did a special mini-series called The Planets, and during the episode on Venus, they mentioned that years ago, scientists believed that Venus could be tropical, even a water world.


They later discovered that it was not, but the idea of a tropical Venus captivated my imagination and is the reason why in Seagarden, Venus has become a man-made water world, with artificial seas and waterways.


Q: Do you think Myra has changed from one novel to the next?


A: Absolutely! The heart of the Plotting the Stars series for me is friendship, and how friends and friendships can evolve and change as you get older.


In Moongarden, Myra is learning how to become a friend. In Seagarden, she is grappling with being secure in her friendships, understanding how to cope with your best friends bringing new people into your friend group, and how to handle the aftermath of a friendship breakup.


She has a lot more maturity with her relationship in Seagarden, but some of that maturity comes from hard lessons learned.


Q: What’s next in the series? What are you working on now?

A: Book 3 (title not yet revealed) is due out in the fall of 2024, so that is my main focus currently. I am very excited about this segment of Myra’s story, and what it means for the book’s other characters, who each have their own journeys and character arcs.


I also love exploring new settings in each book – and without giving too much away (no spoilers!) – am looking forward to exploring new planets through Myra’s eyes!


--Interview with Deborah Kalb. Here's a previous Q&A with Michelle A. Barry.

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