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Leila Aboulela |
Leila Aboulela is the author of three novels, Lyrics Alley, Minaret, and The Translator, and a collection of short stories, Coloured Lights. She grew up in Khartoum, has spent many years in Scotland, and currently lives in Aberdeen.
Lyrics Alley was inspired by the life of your uncle. How much did you already
know about your uncle's story before beginning the novel, and did you need to
do a great deal of research to write it?
I had always known that my father’s cousin Hassan Awad Aboulela was
famous. From a very young age I knew the
story of Hassan’s swimming accident. Hassan was older than my father and my
father had looked up to him. They went
to the same school and it was perceived that they would work side by side in
the family business. The accident and its repercussions (confining Hassan to
his bed for the rest of his life, putting an end to his dreams of university
and marriage) traumatized my father who at the time was thirteen years old.
of the research I undertook for Lyrics Alley was to capture the political scene
of 1950s Sudan and the living conditions in Umdurman. In informal family
interviews with Hassan’s sister and other members of the family I was given
many domestic details. But it was my father telling his version of adjusting to
Hassan’s quadriplegia that made it all vivid. My father spoke often and candidly
about Hassan’s condition, appalled by the realistic details. As portrayed in the novel, Umdurman family
life was very open, hardly anything was kept secret. And this was why my father
knew so much that was intimate.
Minaret tells the story of Najwa, who is from a wealthy Sudanese family but
ends up cleaning houses in London and coming closer to her Muslim faith. Is
Najwa's story specific to her location, or is her situation similar to that of
other immigrants facing life in a new country?
I would like to believe that Minaret does have something significant to say
about the lives of immigrants in a new country. However when writing the novel, I conceived of
Najwa as a distinct character with specific circumstances and I did not worry
about her being representative of a wider group of people. This would have put
too much burden on me as a writer and would have stifled my imagination. Also the
Regents Park area of London is very important to Minaret. From 1982 onwards, I
ended up spending a lot of time there. The elegance of the park, the
down-to-earth atmosphere of the Central Mosque, the extravagant shops of the
High Street – the mix and character of this area in London inspired Minaret.
In The Translator, you write about the relationship between a Sudanese Muslim
woman living in Scotland, and a Scottish man who is a scholar of Islam. What
can readers take away from their cross-cultural story?
I think that their cross-cultural story is a sign of the times. In the work
place more and more people now are coming into contact with colleagues of
different cultures. The work environment creates a real sense of solidarity and
mutual respect – but in reality people’s backgrounds can be acutely different.
When romance encroaches on the working relationship, it brings to the surface
all the differences that were previously hidden. Both Rae and Sammar in The
Translator have integrity and loyalty to the values of their respective
cultures yet they want to be together. This is the dilemma that they are facing
and I think that readers would be asking themselves what they would do if they
were faced with a similar dilemma.
On your website, you write, "My fictional worlds reflect Muslim logic. But
my characters do not necessarily behave as 'good' Muslims; they are not ideals
or role models. They are flawed and complex, trying to practise their faith or
make sense of Allah's will, in difficult circumstances." Which of your
characters do you think are the most successful in practicing their faith,
given the circumstances in which they are living?
Badr in Lyrics Alley is easily the most successful. He is the most educated of
all my characters and the one who is more consciously religious. I admire the
balance in his life. On the one hand he is very down to earth while at the same
time capable of experiencing spiritual depth.
Sammar in The Translator is also successful although her grief and
depression are burdens that she is carrying with her on her journey.
What are you working on now?
A: I am working on a radio play, a response to Albert Camus’s classic The
Outsider. This will be aired on BBC Radio in the autumn to coincide with the
Camus centenary. I am also half-way through a novel about the legendary warrior
Imam Shamyl who united the tribes of the Caucasus to fight a jihad against
Russian Imperial expansion. The novel is partly set in 19th century Russia as well as
present-day Scotland.
--Interview with Deborah Kalb
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