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Stephen Hess |
Stephen Hess is a senior fellow emeritus in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, a former Eisenhower and Nixon administration staffer, and the author of many books, the most recent of which is Whatever Happened to the Washington Reporters, 1978-2012, which revisits the reporters he first interviewed in his classic study The Washington Reporters, published in 1981.
Q: What surprised you most when you re-interviewed these
reporters a generation later? Did most of them seem discouraged about the
changes in their profession, or did you find a more optimistic attitude?
A: Whatever Happened to the Washington Reporters,
1978-2012 is about 450 Washington reporters I surveyed in 1978. A generation
later I set out to find them. With a team of my students from George Washington
University we re-interviewed 283 (100 had died, and we sought obituaries). So
this is a study of career patterns in journalism. I had expected to find a
substantial number of dropouts because journalism is a high energy, low paid
business. Rather, we found that two-thirds were journalists-for-life, with
careers of at least 30 years. Part of the reason for this was they loved being
journalists, reflected in how often they talked about having fun! (Fun is
supposed to be what you do after hours, not what you do on the job!) There were
other reasons as well, but I’d like my readers to find out by getting the book.
Q: For those who left journalism, what professions did they
end up in, and what were their reasons for switching careers?
A: Of those who dropped out, government communications
became the largest employer. A number got law degrees. Two got Ph.Ds and became
university professors. One was elected to the Washington City Council. Another
went to Silicon Valley, started a business, and became very rich! Generally
they left journalism for the same type of reasons that people leave other jobs,
family considerations (a sick child or aging parents) or personnel/organization
problems (dislikes or disputes).
Q: In addition to your many books on the media, you also
have studied the presidency. How difficult will it be for the newly reelected
President Obama and the House Republicans to resolve their differences and work
A: Regarding President Obama/Congress and the so-called
fiscal cliff, one can either be an Optimist or a Pessimist. Most of my
colleagues are P, I’m O. I think the history of legislative-executive
conflict is that at one minute to midnight an agreement is reached. The odds
here should improve because the stakes for failing are so great. But my family
and friends tell me that I’m an O on most things.
Q: What project are you working on now?
A: My next book is about the relations between Richard Nixon
and Daniel Patrick Moynihan in 1969: a conservative president picks a liberal
adviser, together they design and propose an important piece of social
legislation, the Family Assistance Plan. Perhaps there’s something we can learn
from this.
Interview with Deborah Kalb.
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