Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Q&A with Evette Davis


Photo by John Cameron Photography


Evette Davis is the author of the new novel The Others, the first in a trilogy. She also has written the novel 48 States. The co-owner of the consulting firm Berg/Davis Public Affairs, she lives in San Francisco and in Sun Valley, Idaho.


Q: What inspired you to write The Others, and how did you create your character Olivia? 


A: Olivia is the lifelong embodiment of a question I have been trying to solve for decades: where do women derive their power, how do they learn to use it, and how do they reconcile being leaders in the face of societal expectations?


The book started as an idea for a play. I had an idea to create a frustrated political consultant down on her luck who starts seeing an ancient female warrior off-stage. The guide would give her funny advice on besting her adversaries, but only she could see her. Playwriting is not my jam; that is how the novel and the character were born. 


The Others and The Council Trilogy are also a way of dealing with my unease over the polarization of politics in this country and how moderates have been robbed of their voice. I gave them magical powers to help get things back on track!

Q: The journalist David Callaway said, “Davis combines her inside knowledge of Bay Area politics with a gripping tale of vampires and shape-shifters that leaves us never quite looking at the city the same way again.” What do you think of that description?  


A: I loved his description because I see San Francisco as a magical city with layers that are not readily apparent unless you know where to look. He was kind enough to indirectly point out that my 20-plus years of work in Bay Area politics—along with a healthy dose of imagination—helped me create a San Francisco whose true nature is hidden behind the fog.


Q: Did you know how the novel would end before you started writing it, or did you make many changes along the way? 


A: I did not know how it would end. What became apparent halfway through was that I had more of a story to tell than would fit in one book, which is how the trilogy was born.


Q: What do you hope readers take away from the story?

A: First and foremost, I hope they like the story and want to stay up all night to find out what happens next. I want to tell stories that intrigue people and grab them from the first page. Beyond that, I hope they relate to Olivia's journey to understand and love herself in the face of adversity.


Q: This is the first in a series--can you tell us what's coming next?  


A: Near-death adventures, betrayal, new romantic entanglements, and an epic sword battle on the banks of the Danube River!


Q: Anything else we should know? 


A: I have a stand-alone novel called 48 States, which is a dystopian thriller with another strong female character.


All three books in The Council Trilogy will be out by September 2025. Folks can visit my website to learn more at www.evettedavis.com and sign up for my newsletter to stay in touch.


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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