Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Q&A with William Cooper




William Cooper is the author of the new book How America Works...and Why It Doesn't. He is also a lawyer and a columnist. His work has appeared in a variety of publications, including The New York Times.


Q: What inspired you to write How America Works...and Why It Doesn’t?


A: My concern that the American people are becoming unmoored from both reality and the principles that have shaped our nation. It's not a good combination.  


Q: In a piece on CNN's website, you wrote that “if Trump wins, my view is that American democracy will be replaced by American ‘chaosracy’ — an incoherent, volatile and unpredictable mix of some government institutions that function democratically and some that don’t.” Can you say more about that?


A: Trump neither understands nor respects the constitution, so his governance would be volatile and, lacking guardrails, unpredictable. 


Q: What do you think has led to the situation we find ourselves in today?


A: A mix of inherent cognitive bias, social media, and a political system that exacerbates tribalism. It's a flywheel accelerating in the wrong direction. 


Q: What do you see looking ahead when it comes to November's election?


A: The road to the election will be very bumpy. So will the subsequent four years, no matter who wins. 


Q: What are you working on now?


A: Columns that touch on these themes. 


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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