Friday, August 30, 2024

Q&A with Ye Guo




Ye Guo is the author and illustrator of the new children's picture book It Is Okay. She is based in the UK.


Q: What inspired you to create It Is Okay?


A: The inspiration for this story comes from observing life. I have a good friend who is very different from me, but although we are different, we enjoy each other’s company very much. This friendship was in my mind as I developed this story.


However, there are lots of little inspirations that have filtered in from observing the friendships and relationships all around me. I enjoy observing the small details in daily life. If you look around you, the world is full of inspiration!


Q: Did you work on the text first or the illustrations first, or both simultaneously?


A: Simultaneously. Sometimes, I had images in my mind first, like pieces of a puzzle, but the rest was vague. Other times, the words led the way. The order of the text and images was very unclear at first but through continuously reworking the book, the images and words came together, and a meaning emerged. 


Q: The Kirkus review of the book called it a “stellar story of pals weathering ups and downs with aplomb.” What do you think of that description?


A: I felt flattered to have such a glowing review from Kirkus, but I think the description is appropriate. This is a story about two friends coming together and using their differences to negotiate the little dramas of everyday life. I am glad that my words and pictures communicate that. 


Q: What do you hope kids take away from the story?


A: I hope the story is not too didactic. For me, It Is Okay is a gentle rumination on friendship and how we are better together because we are all different. If children take away that being different is okay, that is great. But I also hope that children will take away whatever resonates with them. 


Q: What are you working on now?


A: I have another project I am working on, but it is top secret! I hope it will be published soon. We will see.


Q: Anything else we should know?


A: I love chihuahuas, and one day I hope to have my own.  


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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