Saturday, April 13, 2024

Q&A with J.W. Jarvis




J.W. Jarvis is the author of the new young adult novel The Phantom Enforcer, the second in his First Responder series.


Q: What inspired you to create the First Responder series?


A: I have always admired how first responders go toward danger instead of away from it. They are our community heroes but definitely don't get enough gratitude from the world. I wanted to write something in their honor.


Besides making it realistic, I wanted to make it magical, to add a bit of illusion to the story and to hype up the adventure for the kids and their family members.


Q: Did you know from the start that it would be a series?


A: Yes. What I think readers enjoy about series is they don't end quickly. Once you become emotionally attached to characters, you want to see what they do next. That is my goal with this series and it also makes it easy for readers to find their next book.


Q: What inspired the plot of The Phantom Enforcer?


A: Book 1 was about a firefighter's adventure, so naturally, Book 2 was about police officers and the type of dangers they have to deal with. I will let everyone guess what Book 3 is about. 


Q: What do you hope readers take away from the novel?


A: Firstly, I want the readers to be entertained by the story and to feel for the scenarios the characters are going through. Secondly, I would like them to appreciate some of the missions that these heroes have to undertake.


The stories use real examples, but luckily, they get a little help from a magical being. This help could make the mission outcomes that happened in the past, better or, unfortunately, worse.


Q: What are you working on now?


A: Writing a technothriller for adults that will be my first full-length novel. My goal is to make it a real page-turner with lots of action and suspense, coupled with some of the coolest future technology.


Q: Anything else we should know?


A: I am an author that was born and raised in a suburb near Chicago. I moved to Northern California in my 20s to get away from the bone-chilling, spine-cracking winters.


My full-time job is in Information Technology, but I would love to transition someday to full-time writing. I love taking all the ideas swirling around in my mind and putting them on paper in interesting scenarios, while developing relatable characters.


My goal is to provide entertainment to the reader that will take their imagination to places they probably wouldn't ever experience in their real lives but might have dreamt of. Thank you everyone for giving my fantasy series a try. I hope you enjoy the adventure!


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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