Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Q&A with J.K. Kennedy




J.K. Kennedy is the author of the new poetry collection Clumsy Beauty: Poems for Hearing the I Love You in Everything. She also creates greeting cards. She lives in Wisconsin.


Q: Over how long a period did you write the poems in your new collection?


A: It took me a little under a year to write all the poems included in Clumsy Beauty. At the time I was trying to write at least one thought/aphorism per day as a “healthy hobby” so they piled up quickly!


Q: How did you decide on the order in which the poems would appear in the book?


A: So, if I’m being honest here, I am seriously lacking in the organizational skills department. You should see the notes app on my phone (haha). But I am extremely lucky to have a wonderful and talented sister-in-law who helped me put all the poems into sections and decide on themes.


The material itself was written so sporadically and covers SO many topics that it was intimidating to attempt to sort it in a way that made sense. It felt a little like sorting MYSELF but on paper, and if you’ve ever tried that you know how uncomfortable it can feel…so thank goodness for some outside eyeballs to help! Almost like a book therapist, ha!


Q: How was the collection’s title chosen, and what does it signify for you?


A: Clumsy Beauty is the title of one of the poems in the collection. The piece is about consciousness and self-discovery. I wrote it while observing my peony bushes bloom two springs ago.


In my opinion, that visual is so representative of “shy first steps down the road to self-discovery” and then an absolute explosion! I love the phrase “clumsy beauty” and it so perfectly and organically encompasses some of the major themes in a lot of my writing.


It’s also how I’d like to think of my writing style. We’re all out here stumbling through a bunch of thoughts, emotions and human stuff and it’s important to see the beauty in that.

Q: How would you describe the role of the book’s illustrations?


A: The cover of the book is incredibly special to me; I had the opportunity to work directly with the incredible artist, Jessica Benhar, on brainstorming it into creation. I sent photos of a bunch of the art in my home and then also gave her some specific requests. Much of what I write is inspired by things I see in nature, so the illustrations pay tribute to that relationship.


Q: What are you working on now?


A: A chicken coop! My husband and I recently moved to Wisconsin and we’re on five acres so I’m hoping to transition it into a hobby “farm” over the next couple years.


And, of course, lots more writing! I would love to write a second book after Clumsy’s release when the opportunity arises! Stay tuned!


Q: Anything else we should know?


A: Creating things people can share is so important to me. I learned quickly from my Instagram account that people from all walks of life were sharing the same poems and in a time when things can feel extremely divided I think that’s so important.


I created a wee line of greeting cards made from recycled materials about a year ago that are available on my website. There will also be poetry prints and other gifts coming soon!


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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