Thursday, May 2, 2024

Q&A with Kristin Dwyer




Kristin Dwyer is the author of the new young adult novel The Atlas of Us. She also has written the YA novel Some Mistakes Were Made. She lives in North Carolina.


Q: What inspired you to write The Atlas of Us, and how did you create your character Atlas/Maps?


A: My dad died when I was younger and that is a wound that I don’t know ever leaves you. He loved the river, loved being outdoors, and I wanted to write a book about a girl who didn’t “overcome” her grief, because that is a ridiculous thing to even suggest. But someone who found a way to not let that pain control her. Also I wanted her to fall in love because I love romance.


And as far as the characters… I was a “bad kid.” I hung out with “bad kids.” I find the narratives we tell about at risk youth to rarely be nuanced and I just wanted to tell my story. I wanted something that said, your actions don’t define you. Also I wanted to write about kissing.


Q: The novel is set on a hiking trail in the western Sierras. Why did you choose this setting, and how important is setting to you in your writing?


A: I grew up in California and a big part of my life was always going up to Tahoe. I fell in love with the whole area and I just really wanted to write a book that showed the beauty of that place. Especially because it’s at risk. 


Q: The Kirkus Review of the book said, in part, “Gripping and authentic in the ways it portrays grief and shows how moving forward means having to let go.” What do you think of that assessment?


A: You know, I don’t know. Not to sound like a giant cliché, but as a writer you put words on a page and send them out into the world and then watch people interpret your art through their own lens.


I think it’s beautiful, and letting go of your anger is a big theme in the book, but I also personally always want to leave space for my own anger.


And I think accepting your “big” feelings as valid and allowing yourself to feel them is an another theme, and I would hope that’s what people take away. Sometimes you gotta have a giant rage fest and break shit. You are NEVER too much. 


Q: Did you need to do any research to write the novel, and, if so, did you learn anything that especially surprised you?


A: I did boring research about trail maintenance that made me want to die, like what happens when a spring pole snaps, etc. but the thing that surprised me the most was how surprised people were at how intense Californians are about fire safety. Apparently we are a state that lives in constant fear. Who knew!


Q: What are you working on now?


A: Right now I’m working on a speculative book about a girl who goes back in time to try and save her boyfriend from drowning, but realizes to do so, she’ll have to fall in love with his best friend…WHO HATES HER. Ooooooo… ahhhhh… noooo!!!!


Q: Anything else we should know?


A: I am recently a new mother and it has become my entire personality. My son, Shep, is a five-month-old Aussiedoodle, and I’m not saying he is a PERFECT dog, but he totally is. 


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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