Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Q&A with Ricardo Jiménez



Ricardo Jiménez is the author of the new book Crash Course: A Founder's Journey to Saving Your Startup and Sanity. An entrepreneur and investor, he is based in Puerto Rico and Barcelona. 


Q: What inspired you to write Crash Course?


A: We expect founders to build companies where there were none and we give them lessons and tips on how to do so. While at the same time we forget about them as people.


The same way that there are "technical" lessons to scale a company or choose a business model, there are profound human lessons for the founders that tend to be missed. So I wanted to capture those and offer them my support.


Q: How was the book's title chosen, and what does it signify for you?


A: My working title was a bit angsty, so I am thankful my first editor and good friend James Moore came up with this one. Most startups don't survive past a couple of years, so it reflects that crash. However, with the smiley face on the cover I intend to combine a picture of both realism and optimism.


Q: The chef and author Grace Ramirez said of the book, "A game-changer for entrepreneurs, it redefines success as a holistic journey in which the heart leads and financial achievement is trusted to follow." What do you think of that description?


A: I think it's very beautiful and very accurate. The whole entrepreneurial journey is an intense reflection of life, in which most find that listening to their hearts is too uncomfortable or inconvenient and they disconnect from it.


It takes a lot of courage to start a company when most fail, so I am glad that she so beautifully captures my message of self-honesty and trust.


Q: What do you hope readers take away from the book?


A: On top of what Grace took away, I'd like founders to not forget themselves as people. Yes, sacrifices are unavoidable but that doesn't mean they are black boxes that are immune to reality.


When our expectations are not met, which is almost guaranteed as a founder, our bodies generate "negative" emotions. So this book is an invitation to take a look at those so they can liberate them and be in control of their internal state. Clarity is key for better understanding of a situation and decision making.


I also hope that founders see themselves as much more than their startup and they don't forget to optimize for themselves and their lives as much as their startup.


Q: What are you working on now?


A: I have other book ideas in my mind but my only priority today is to bring this book to as many founders and creatives as possible.


Q: Anything else we should know?


A: The book is already on Amazon and I would love to connect with founders that resonate with the message at:


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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