Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Q&A with Kika Hatzopoulou




Kika Hatzopoulou is the author of the new young adult novel Hearts That Cut, a sequel to her YA novel Threads That Bind. She lives in London and in Greece.




Q: Hearts That Cut is the sequel to your novel Threads That Bind--did you know from the start that you'd be returning to this world?

A: Yes, I did because I pitched this - and my publisher bought this - as a duology. I always knew this story would be told in two parts and had a very clear vision for both. I won't reveal too much, but the final image of the second book is one that I've been seeding into the story from the very beginning!

Q: What inspired the plot of Hearts That Cut?


A: The actual plot was a continuation of the conspiracy Io uncovers in Threads That Bind, but more specific goals were to explore the world beyond Alante, the other towns and cities and how other people might be surviving in this apocalyptic world.


I also wanted to explore Io's relationship with Bianca more, as I find them to be very different sides of the same coin, and I was eager to see the Nine's prophecy unfold!

Q: The writer Sarah Underwood said of the book, “Hearts That Cut is a captivating, confident return to the fantastical—and utterly original—world established in Threads That Bind.” What do you think of that description, and how did you create the world in which the novels take place?


A: Sarah's blurb was very kind, as is she! The world of the duology is inspired by all the things I love: Greek myth, sibling stories, noir mystery plots, climate apocalypse settings, soulmate romances!


I wrote the book over a single summer, essentially crafting every chapter to be full of intrigue and lush worldbuilding. The first draft ended up being very messy, because I didn't have a very detailed plan going in, but with the help of friends, agents and editors, I polished the story into what it is today.

Q: What do you hope readers take away from Hearts That Cut?

A: I really hope the last page resonates with them. I don't want to spoil anything, but my goal was to end the book with hope and love and community - even in a world that is very actively trying to kill you.

Q: What are you working on now?

A: I'm working on a new YA fantasy book that combines a slew of other things I love in fiction: a feisty, impulsive, misunderstood heroine, a contemporary almost cyberpunk (or rather mythpunk) setting, a twisty, timey-whimey plot, and lots and lots of romance. I'm having great fun with these new characters and I hope I can announce this project soon!


--Interview with Deborah Kalb

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