Photo by Shawn M. Record
Kristen Willeumier is the author of the new book Biohack Your Brain: How to Boost Cognitive Health, Performance & Power. A neuroscientist, she is based in Los Angeles.
Q: Why did you decide to write this book, and what do
you hope readers take away from it?
A: This is such a great question, thank you for asking,
Deborah. There were three primary influences which compelled me to write
Biohack Your Brain.
First, having the vantage point of visualizing
thousands of functional and electrical brain images as the research director
for the Amen Clinics, a nationally recognized health care clinic that
specializes in the treatment of complex psychiatric disorders, I have firsthand
knowledge of what dietary and lifestyle modifications result in effective and
lasting changes in brain function.
While most people know that they should take care of
their cognitive health as they age, they may not have the practical steps on
what to do and why it works.
Second, in 2009 my colleagues and I led a
groundbreaking clinical trial assessing the long-term damage incurred from
playing professional football and, more importantly, demonstrated the ability
to reverse some of the damage.
Why is this work important? We now know that those who
play collision-based sports are at a higher risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s
disease (AD), with NFL players having three times the risk of getting AD or ALS
than the general population.
The only effective preventative strategies for
Alzheimer’s and dementia are lifestyle modifications, which need to be
practiced as early as possible, well before the onset of clinical
The findings from our research in professional
athletes were instrumental in guiding patient care, not just for those with
traumatic brain injuries and neurological issues but also for those who came to
see us who were perfectly healthy but wanted to optimize brain function.
Brain health strategies should not only be adopted by
those who are struggling with neurological or psychiatric issues; they should
be embraced by everyone, as early as possible. A healthier brain will have a
positive impact on your emotional health and well-being, enabling you to lead a
more joyful, vibrant, productive life.
More importantly, what you begin to realize is that
the state of your mental health and psychological well-being rests on your
daily choices.
Third, on a more personal note, my beloved father passed
away at 78 with Parkinson’s disease. Prior to his passing, my father shared
with me that his tremors first appeared in his mid-50s, but he was very adept
at hiding them from the family.
I have such compassion for people who struggle with
neurological issues, having to navigate their day-to-day lives with the symptoms
associated with their condition. Biohack Your Brain is for everyone who is
looking for ways to improve their quality of life no matter what they may be
struggling with.
Having spent two decades in the field of neuroscience
both in the laboratory and clinical setting, I have seen what is possible in
terms of reversing brain aging, and it has had a profound impact on my life and
the lives of those I have been so fortunate to work with.
When you harness the power of neuroimaging to show
people that the consistent practicing of proper dietary and lifestyle habits
can improve the function of their brain, it can be a life-changing experience.
This is not just for the individual being treated, but for their entire family.
This book was written to share the wisdom I have
gleaned through educating patients on how to live a brain-healthy lifestyle
along with the neuroscience to support these practices.
In Biohack Your Brain, I share the stories of
clients and NFL players whose lives have been transformed through embracing
these practices, and it’s my hope that those who read the book are empowered to
begin their brain health journey as well.
Q: You write, "The coronavirus crisis has also
made taking care of your brain more imperative than ever before." What
advice would you give people during these difficult times?
A: We have learned that SARS-CoV2 is not only a
respiratory syndrome; it has systemic effects affecting all body organs
resulting in a widespread immune response.
We now know the virus does impact the nervous system
resulting in a wide variety of complications that can occur, including loss of
smell, loss of taste, increased stroke risk, and encephalopathies, which can
cause confusion and seizures.
Furthermore, it is estimated that 50 percent or more
of people who have had SARS-CoV2 and were symptomatic but have since recovered
(i.e., no detectable trace of Covid in their system) are struggling with lingering
symptoms of fatigue, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, brain fog and a
mild form of depression or malaise.
They are functional but not at full capacity, and
given that we have no longitudinal data on this virus, we are unable to
ascertain the long-term neurological and neuropsychological consequences of the
I am heartened by the fact that now, more than ever,
people are prioritizing their physical and mental health. With many of us
working remotely and staying at home, more people are thinking about their diet
and how it impacts their health, with 60 percent of people cooking their own
meals and more people embracing a whole-food, plant-based diet.
As the general population is experiencing an
unprecedented increase in psychological distress, we are seeing an increase in
online therapy and the prioritization of self-care. Research shows that having
positive coping skills and good social support is the most protective against
psychological distress.
In addition, healthy dietary practices and exercise
have been demonstrated to effectively ease depression and stress. The global
pandemic is giving us a chance to go inward and reflect on our lifestyle
choices and what we have the control to change.
Therefore, implementing protective measures to care
for your health and well-being is the most empowering stance you can take at
this time.
Q: What would you say are some of the most common
perceptions and misperceptions about cognitive health?
A: This is a wonderful question as there are so many
that come to mind. Let’s go with some of the common perceptions about cognitive
health. Most people know that engaging in regular physical activity, consuming
a healthy diet, participating in continuous learning, and staying socially connected
will help protect their brain as they age, but they may not know the practical
steps around which exercises and foods are the best at preserving long-term
brain function.
When it comes to knowing which exercises that protect
cognitive function, we can look to the neuroimaging studies.
For example, sustained aerobic exercise (i.e.,
running) is better for increasing brain volume in a region important to
learning and memory, and improves cognition in those with mild cognitive
impairment. It also increases connectivity in brain regions associated with
executive function and motor control.
Resistance exercise (i.e., free weights, weight
machines, medicine ball), on the other hand, is beneficial to increasing muscle
mass, size, and strength but does not have the same impact on the preservation
of brain volume. They both play a role in maintaining vascular health, which is
why a combination of sustained aerobic exercise and resistance training is
essential to optimal brain function.
When it comes to knowing what brain foods prevent
dementia, we can look to the epidemiological dietary studies that show clear
evidence on cognition.
For example, a 20-year dietary study from researchers
at Harvard Medical School in 16,010 adults aged 70 and older found that those
who ate blueberries and strawberries had the slowest rates of cognitive
decline. They found that eating blueberries or strawberries three times per
week lowered the rate of cognitive decline by 2.5 years.
Being empowered with knowledge and knowing which steps
to take that will positively affect brain function is what is most needed at
this time.
I think people are also aware that their cognitive
health is linked to their cardiovascular health. With heart disease being the
leading cause of death in the U.S., the American Heart Association has been
aggressively campaigning the importance of managing cardiovascular risk
factors, which has a beneficial effect on the preservation of our cognitive
Cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking,
hypertension, and high cholesterol damage the vasculature and results in
excessive oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. These are the same
pathways that are implicated in impaired cognition and dementia, so by
prioritizing care of your heart health, you are also taking care of your brain
I discuss several common misperceptions about
cognitive health in Biohack Your Brain, but here are a few people will enjoy
Myth: The adult brain cannot grow new brain cells. The
truth is that we can grow new brain cells from adolescence into adulthood in an
area of the brain known as the hippocampus, which is responsible for learning
and memory. The exciting news is that there are dietary habits and lifestyle
modifications that will help us to continue to grow cells into this region of
the brain (as well as habits that prohibit growth) into our seventh, eighth,
and ninth decade of life.
The take-home message is that you can change your
brain at any age!
Myth: We only use 10 percent of our brain. The truth
is that we use all of our brain, and it is continually active when we are awake
and while we are in our deepest stages of sleep. In fact, our brain is working
just as hard when we are asleep as when we are awake, performing important
housekeeping functions including the clearance of abnormally folded proteins
that can lead to Alzheimer's, consolidating our short-term memories into long-term
memories, and helping us regulate our emotions.
Myth: Multitasking is a way for the brain to be more
organized and efficient. Multitasking, or the simultaneous engagement of
different processing pathways, is a division of our attention and is a
cognitive demand that often comes with a cost. The truth is that the more we
multitask, we are decreasing our brain's ability to maintain focus and sustain
attention, reducing our cognitive proficiency and reaction time. This is
readily seen when we try to drive and do a secondary task, such as turn the
dial on the radio, talk, or text on our phone. Not only does our ability to
sustain attention on the road go down, getting distracted puts us at greater
risk of an accident. People underestimate their ability to simultaneously
allocate their attention to multiple locations, and so it's recommended to focus
on one task at a time.
Q: How was the book's title chosen, and what does it
signify for you?
A: The brilliant creative and marketing team at
HarperCollins came up with the title. Given that Biohack Your Brain centers
around dietary and lifestyle interventions that make measurable changes in the
biological function of the brain as measured by neuroimaging, “biohack” was a
fitting title.
One of the most empowering messages that I share in
this book is that people are unaware of the power that they have in their daily
choices to protect their brain health. This includes adherence to a
Mediterranean diet, proper hydration, foundational nutrient support, regular
physical exercise, healthy emotional regulation, cognitive training, getting
restorative sleep, and managing stress levels.
In this book, I share with the reader the objective
data we have seen in the clinical setting that has been the most instrumental
at making measurable and long-lasting changes in brain function in people of
all ages.
Q: What are you working on now?
A: I am currently involved in a research project
evaluating the effects of a type of protective equipment for football designed
to attenuate shearing stress on the brain and spinal cord.
While most protective equipment cannot prevent
subconcussive and concussive injuries, it can provide some safeguards, as
reducing the shearing or rotational forces to the brain by even 10-15 percent
can be beneficial to these athletes.
Those of us who have done research in professional
athletes who play collision-based sports (i.e., football, soccer, hockey,
rugby) have discovered that it’s not just the big hits that are causing the
post-concussive symptoms and late-life brain issues. It’s the repetitive subconcussive
impacts over time that are of concern.
With 30 million children in the U.S. participating in
organized sports, and 3 million children between the ages of 5-18 exposed to
repetitive impacts from football on an annual basis, there are many young,
developing brains that are in need of protection.
Q: Anything else we should know?
A: “Normal brain aging” is used to describe a process
where we lose more neurons than we create, and many scientists who have studied
volume changes in the aging brain report that the process begins in adults as
early as their 20s.
Therefore, the time to be proactive is now if you want
to prevent the loss of brain volume, the thinning of the brain’s cortex, the
decrease in white-matter connectivity, and the diminishing neurotransmitter
production that can occur with brain aging. The volume of the brain has been
shown to decline by 5 percent per decade after age 40, with this decline
increasing in those over the age of 70.
Remember, your brain is involved in everything you do,
from regulating your thoughts and feelings to storing your precious memories
and managing your mood. It governs your ability to intuit, ideate and create
while driving your behaviors and coordinating your movements.
Taking care of your brain health is one of the best
investments you can make in preserving your cognitive function for a lifetime,
and the steps to do it are simple and accessible to all. Biohack Your
Brain will walk you through these steps and empower you with effective,
preventative, evidence-based strategies to protect your brain. The healthier
your brain, the greater your chances of having a productive, joyful, and
fulfilling life.
Thank you so much for your time and your thoughtful
--Interview with Deborah Kalb